A Queen's Act

Casmir held her close to his chest as their breaths slowly returned to normal. His soft gaze met hers, as she leaned down to place a loving kiss to her lips. "Are you okay?" His voice trembled as he cautiously continued. "We haven't been this intimate since..."

"I am fine." She stopped him, a small lump filled her throat. "I don't blame you for anything back then, and I didn't feel any pain now either."

Relief filled his features as his shoulders relaxed at her words. "Well, I did try to be gentle. Please just tell me if you ever need me to stop. I will always respect your wishes."

"I missed being with you like this." Isabella looked up to him again, pressing her chin against his slightly fuzzy chest.

"We haven't had much time together, you're right." He sighed, his gaze drifting away in thought. "We just have so many new problems that I haven't heard of or haven't dealt with, and honestly all I can think of is you."