Chapter 101: Blocking the Tunnel

Lynn's unwavering gaze remained locked on the relentless onslaught of creatures that surged toward him. With a hint of curiosity, his eyes meticulously observed their diverse forms and intricate movements.

Despite their seemingly unstoppable numbers, he noticed that they appeared considerably weaker compared to the formidable adversaries he had encountered thus far.

Although the deformed appearance was terrifying, they seemed to lack the supernatural resilience that he had come to expect from their kind. Their bodies were frail, their moves uncoordinated.

As these thoughts swirled in his mind, a question emerged: Could these monsters be failed experiments? 

The notion began to take hold, as it seemed plausible that the deranged merchant responsible for their existence had made numerous attempts to perfect his creations, resulting in many flawed prototypes.

The haphazard look and erratic behavior of these entities only served to reinforce this suspicion. Their twisted forms bore the marks of experimentation gone awry, with grotesque features and mismatched limbs.

However, even with their apparent weaknesses and imperfections, the sheer number of them posed a significant threat. Consequently, a handful of them successfully evaded the relentless barrage of gunfire, closing the gap towards their intended targets.

Positioned strategically at the forefront of the group, Lynn stood ready to intercept anything that dared to approach. With his assault rifle in hand, he seamlessly transitioned from firing precise shots at distant adversaries to tightly gripping Flame Edge, ready to unleash its fiery power. 

The weapon seemed to come alive in his hands, its flames pulsating with anticipation. With each swing, the blade danced through the air, leaving behind trails of searing blaze that burned with an intense heat.

Every movement was calculated, every swing aimed at eliminating any enemy that dared to challenge him. The combination of his agility, combat expertise, and the fiery prowess of Flame Edge created a formidable presence on the battlefield.

The chamber pulsed with the ceaseless tumult of conflict, a symphony of disorder that assaulted the senses. The crackling flames that were spreading everywhere cast flickering shadows on the walls, the dancing light intermingling with the suffocating smoke.

Gunshots continued reverberating like thunder, each explosive burst accompanied by pained cries from the monsters. The air hung heavy with tension, saturated with the heady mix of adrenaline and the unmistakable stench of death.

However, despite the officers' best efforts, the horde of monsters appeared to be unrelenting. For every monstrosity they managed to defeat, two more emerged from the depths of the dark and labyrinthine sewer tunnels.

The men also began to exhibit signs of exhaustion. The constant exertion and prolonged battles took their toll on their bodies, causing their movements to slow, even if just slightly.

Beads of sweat glistened upon their furrowed brows, evidence of the physical strain they endured. Each breath they took was labored, their chests rising and falling heavily as they fought to catch their breath amidst the suffocating smoke that filled the air.

Lynn's sharp mind had already realized the precarious situation they found themselves in. If the hidden trap present in the journal had succeeded in its sinister aim of inflicting spiritual pollution, this relentless assault could very well have proven deadly.

However, having narrowly avoided that, their circumstances were less dire. Still problematic, but far from hopeless. The main threat this endless horde presented was gradually wearing down their stamina and depleting their resources like ammunition.

"They're hoping to exhaust us before we confront the true mastermind," he declared aloud, his voice filled with certainty. The sheriff briefly met his gaze and nodded grimly, acknowledging the truth of his assessment.

Lynn continued firing controlled bursts from his AK-47 and cutting down the few misshapen monstrosities that slipped past the gunshot barrage. But his mind constantly raced, thinking of the best course of action.

The fact that, until now, there had been no powerful creature that had joined the battle hinted that Knott was likely running low on options. He likely expended his best assets, leaving only these flawed experiments to delay them.

If this was the case, Lynn understood he couldn't afford to waste any more time dealing with these weak creatures. Every passing moment allowed their true adversary to prepare or unleash a more formidable force. 

His decision was clear. He needed to find a way to avoid the relentless horde and delve deeper into the sewer tunnels to confront the true mastermind behind these abominations. 

As he quickly came to this realization, he swiftly formulated a plan in his mind. He turned to the sheriff, who was not far from him, and urgently yelled over the deafening sounds of gunfire, "We need to retreat from here!"

Cooper's eyes widened in surprise, his brows furrowing with a mix of confusion and concern. "Retreat? But why?" he asked, doubt evident in his voice. "Wouldn't that leave us vulnerable to being overrun by those creatures?"

"Trust me, I have a strategy," Lynn responded firmly. " Instruct your men to fall back towards the entrance of the stairwell. I will secure the rear flank and ensure our retreat is safeguarded."

Although perplexed by the directive, Cooper had already witnessed Lynn's abilities and astute tactics. He decided to place his faith in the special detective's judgment.

With a swift motion, Cooper signaled for the officers to follow the command. "You heard him, men! Fall back to the stairs, now!" he bellowed.

Despite their bewilderment, the officers immediately complied with the command, smoothly transitioning into a tactical retreat. Their exhaustion was momentarily forgotten as a sense of urgency gripped them.

Meanwhile, in a mesmerizing display of agility and speed, Lynn surged to meet the creatures that were now advancing. With extraordinary reflexes, he wove between them, his sword trailing arcs of flame as it effortlessly sliced through their ranks.

Razor-sharp threads erupted from various parts of his body, lashing out and splicing through his foes. He moved with predatory grace, capitalizing on the augmented attributes of his body. Each step was precise, every swing of his blade executed with lethal intent.

The monsters howled and shrieked as his attacks found their mark, rending their malformed flesh. Those fortunate enough to evade his blade were swiftly ensnared by the razor threads, meeting their demise just as swiftly.

Observing this display as they retreated, Cooper couldn't help but watch in awe, momentarily lowering his weapon as Lynn single-handedly held the rear flank.

However, he quickly regained his composure. With decisive commands, he directed his officers, ensuring their movements were coordinated and synchronized as they began an orderly withdrawal.

Step by step, they skillfully maneuvered while simultaneously unleashing a relentless barrage of suppressing fire, effectively impeding the relentless advance of the horde and preventing them from capitalizing on their retreat.

Meanwhile, Lynn stood firm, resolute in his duty to cover the rear flank. His sword became an extension of his being, its movements a deadly dance that defied logic and showcased his lethal grace. The failed experiments were like puppets on a string, helpless against the onslaught of his attacks.

As another malformed beast lunged at him from behind, razor-sharp threads erupted from his back, effortlessly slicing the creature's head from its body before it could even complete its attack. The headless corpse collapsed with a heavy thud.

Two more scrambled over their fallen kin, scurrying on all fours like feral beasts. With a graceful spin, Lynn evaded their clumsy attempts to ensnare him. As he turned, his blade sliced cleanly through their necks in a single fluid motion, decapitating both with surgical precision.

Glancing over his shoulder, he checked on the progress of the retreating officers. Satisfied to see they had navigated a considerable distance to safety, he decided it was time to spring his counterattack.

With a subtle smile tugging at his lips, Lynn reached for a few fragmentation grenades attached to his belt. Gripping the explosives tightly, he pulled the pins and hurled them towards the tunnel opening with all his might.

The projectile sailed through the air in a graceful arc before disappearing into the darkness of the passage. Seconds later, a thunderous explosion boomed within the confined space, unleashing a potent shockwave that resonated through the underground chamber.

The tunnel entrance collapsed, sealing it shut under an avalanche of stone and debris. Dust and pulverized rock billowed forth, creating a barrier cutting off the monsters' only route of entry.

"That should keep them occupied for a moment," Lynn remarked with satisfaction, observing the aftermath of his handiwork.

He could still discern the distinctive echoes of the monstrous creatures from the other side, approaching and directly slamming against the rubbles.

However, despite their ferocious determination, this temporary solution was enough to halt their advance, even if only for a fleeting moment.