Chapter 102: The Final Stand Begins

With the horde's relentless advance temporarily halted, Lynn decided it was the moment to swiftly catch up with Cooper and the rest of the group.

Utilizing his skill, [Quickstep], he effortlessly closed the distance in a matter of mere seconds. His movements were fluid and graceful as he deftly maneuvered across the chamber floor.

He passed through the open metal door and ascended the stairs quickly. His footsteps were light yet unrelenting in their pace. He moved with purpose, climbing two to three steps at a time as he gave chase to the others.

Lynn emerged into the elegant bedroom of the grand manor house, the very place from which their underground descent had originated. 

The officers who had preceded him had already regrouped, catching their breath after the intense battle. They promptly shared the unfolding situation with the team that had remained on guard duty at the top of the stairs.

With remarkable efficiency and coordination, the men collaborated to establish a secure defensive perimeter, ensuring a seamless transition of responsibilities.

The weary ones stepped aside to recuperate, while the reinforcements promptly assumed their positions around the concealed entrance. Their weapons remained poised, their vigilant gaze fixed upon the opening, prepared to unleash a torrent of gunfire at the first hint of an attempted breach.

As an additional layer of precaution, they swiftly set about constructing barricades, utilizing nearby furnishings to fortify their blockade. The room was transformed as they strategically arranged heavy objects, effectively reinforcing their defenses. 

Though appearing rudimentary, these makeshift barriers would provide a defensive advantage if any creatures managed to force their way through.

Impressed by the quick response, Lynn approached Cooper, who stood amidst his men, overseeing the ongoing actions. His face bore the marks of physical strain, covered in a layer of sweat and dirt, betraying the weariness lingering beneath his authoritative demeanor.

Lynn provided him with an update on the current situation underground, beginning to explain the rationale behind their strategic retreat.

"The tunnel has been temporarily blocked," he relayed, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "However, we can't rely on it to hold them off indefinitely."

He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before immediately launching into outlining his plan, his words crisp and concise. "That underground horde presents a hindrance, diverting our focus from the true threat."

"To defeat them, we must eliminate the source," Lynn responded cryptically. Observing the sheriff's perplexity, he clarified, "By severing the head, the body will collapse. The enemy's numerical advantage becomes inconsequential if we can neutralize the mastermind orchestrating this chaos."

"Based on everything we've witnessed, it is apparent that this individual possesses an intricate knowledge of the town's layout and the complex sewer system beneath it," he expounded, his analytical mind piecing together the various clues.

"The cunning perpetrator exploits this knowledge to their advantage, lurking in the shadows and orchestrating surprise assaults with strategic precision."

He paused, allowing his words to resonate as the sheriff contemplatively stroked his stubbled chin. Lynn could practically see the cogs turning in Cooper's mind as he digested the assessment.

After a moment, Lynn continued elaborating on his proposed strategy. " We have an opportunity to turn the tables. We know the general location of this person now, and we have a chance to confront him directly."

Sherriff Cooper's expression turned resolute as he nodded, his eyes narrowing with determination. He leaned forward, fully engaged and ready to take action. "I'm listening," he said firmly, his voice conveying his readiness. "What's the plan?"

"We need to split up into two groups. You should remain here with your men to defend the barricade for a moment, drawing the creatures' attention. Meanwhile, I'll use the confusion to slip away and infiltrate the sewer tunnels."

As Lynn spoke, the ominous sounds of monsters violently slamming against the rocks that blocked the tunnel at the bottom reverberated through the walls. The relentless pounding emphasized the constant pressure they faced.

The sheriff nodded grimly, the noises below steeling his resolve. "We'll hold the line here and keep these beasts at bay," he affirmed, his gruff voice filled with determination. "You go stop that madman and end this nightmare once and for all."

Lynn acknowledged the words with a subtle nod, his expression. But as he prepared to depart, there was a sudden pause. He gripped his assault rifle, and with effortless precision, he ejected the magazine.

The metallic clink of the spent ammunition echoed in the air. Without wasting a moment, he deftly replaced it with a fresh magazine, the munitions sliding into position with a firm and unwavering affirmation.

Satisfied it was ready for combat, he unslung the formidable modern firearm from across his chest. He then turned to Cooper and presented the weapon to him.

"Use this," Lynn said, his voice steady. "I believe this will help defend this position."

Cooper's eyes widened in surprise. His fingers twitched, itching to grasp the mysterious weapon being offered to him. Yet hesitation and uncertainty flashed across his face.

"But...this is your weapon, is it not?" Cooper asked, confusion furrowing his brow. "Why entrust it to me?"

Lynn nodded in acknowledgment. "Yes, it is mine. But I want you to have it. Your men have fought valiantly, but these monsters are tenacious. This gun's firepower will give you an advantage in defending this position."

He held out the assault rifle insistently, his voice firm. "Take it," his gaze unwavering. "I can handle myself down below, but I need to know that you and your men will be safe up here."

Cooper, caught off guard, found himself deeply moved by the gesture. He reached out and accepted the firearm, handling it almost reverently.

For the next few minutes, Lynn took his time providing a thorough explanation of the assault rifle's various mechanisms. He began by pointing out the safety switch, magazine release, charging handle, and other important components. With each detail he shared, the sheriff listened intently, absorbing the information with keen interest.

After providing a basic overview, Lynn retrieved multiple boxes of ammunition from his inventory, stacking them on the ground. Before entering this dungeon, he had made a substantial purchase, ensuring an ample supply.

Opening one of them, he displayed a cartridge, using it as an example to illustrate the type of munitions it would be using.

"The magazine can hold up to thirty rounds," Lynn explained, showcasing it. "When it runs empty, you'll need to reload using these," he continued, holding up one as an example.

Cooper observed this demonstration closely, carefully mimicking the swift motions of sliding the magazine in and out of the rifle. He repeated the process until he felt comfortable and confident in his ability.

Any initial hesitation he had felt was replaced by a growing sense of awe as he realized the remarkable capabilities of this rifle. Completely different from the firearms he was accustomed to, it represented a substantial upgrade in firepower.

Now adequately prepared, Lynn gestured towards the entrance of the stairwell leading to the underground chamber. His voice carried a confident tone as he pointed out, "With the AK-47 if you concentrate your defenses at this chokepoint, you can easily hold this position."

The narrow stairway served as a bottleneck, restricting entry to just one or two creatures at a time. Providing a strategic advantage, allowing the officers to methodically gun down the approaching threats. Lynn entrusted them with the knowledge and tools to transform the steps into a deadly kill zone.

As Cooper's fingers tightened around the grip of the AK-47, he could feel the weight and power of the weapon in his hands. A surge of confidence coursed through him, and his eyes gleamed with understanding.

The sheriff straightened his posture and squared his shoulders. His voice, gruff yet resolute, rang out with conviction as he declared, "You can count on us. We'll defend this place to our last breath."

Lynn gave a faint smile, seeing the self-assuredness in Cooper's demeanor return. He reached out and touched his shoulder, activating the class skill - [Cell Proliferation].

A warm surge of energy flowed through Cooper's body. He felt a tingling sensation spreading from the touch, revitalizing his fatigued muscles and replenishing his stamina. The weariness that had weighed him down moments ago seemed to dissipate, replaced by a renewed vigor and vitality.

With everything done, Lynn turned and swiftly descended the stairs, disappearing into the depths of the underground chamber. The darkness swallowed him, leaving the sheriff and his men to face the imminent threat.

They promptly took up defensive positions behind the improvised barrier, their firearms loaded and at the ready. Together, they stood as a bulwark, ready to unleash overwhelming firepower upon anything that dared approach from below.