Chapter 103: Journey through the Sewer Tunnels

The creatures relentlessly slammed against the barricade of rubble, the sound of their monstrous roars and thunderous crashes reverberated through the air, enveloping the surroundings with a chilling symphony of impending danger.

Lynn stood amidst the chaos, his mind racing as he witnessed the situation. Each collision sent shockwaves through the debris, causing it to quiver and shudder under the onslaught. 

Cracks began to form, spider-webbing across the stones that blocked the entry like fractures in fragile glass. It was a tangible sign of the impending breach, a countdown to the unleashing of chaos once more.

Lynn recognized the urgency of the situation and understood the need for immediate action. He aimed to discreetly infiltrate and penetrate the sewer tunnels to confront the actual mastermind orchestrating this mayhem.

However, successfully navigating through the horde without being detected would present a formidable challenge. The sheer number of individuals would make it exceedingly difficult to go unnoticed.

But he already had an idea brewing in his mind. "If I want to successfully navigate past them, I need to find a way to divert the monsters' attention," he pondered deeply.

That's where the role of the sheriff and his men came into play. Lynn knew that if they could effectively draw the creatures' attention and engage them in combat, it would create a perfect diversion, allowing him to slip through undetected.

Lynn's sole role was to facilitate the dispersion of the horde into the expansive underground chamber. While doing this, he had to ensure that his actions didn't attract any unwanted attention.

His gaze swept across the shadowy surroundings, meticulously absorbing the intricacies of the chamber's layout. With unwavering focus, he scrutinized every feature, his eyes tracing the contours of the walls, seeking anything that could aid him.

In this environment, Lynn couldn't rely on his flashlight, as it had been entrusted to the sheriff, they needed it more than him. The faint glow of the remaining flames from earlier provided him with just enough illumination to see. 

Suddenly, his eyes locked upon the ceiling, right above the entrance of the collapsed tunnel. It was as if a bolt of inspiration had struck him, igniting a brilliant idea within his mind.

Without hesitation, Lynn summoned forth the power of his class skill, known as [String Threading]. Several thin yet durable threads formed from spiritual energy erupted from the tips of his fingers.

With astonishing speed and dexterity, he swiftly maneuvered the razor-sharp strands, guiding them upwards toward the stone ceiling. With each calculated movement, the threads effortlessly pierced through the solid surface, firmly anchoring in place.

Utilizing this intricate web of thread, he ascended, defying gravity itself, until he found himself suspended directly above the barricade of rubble. From this elevated position, he had a commanding view of the entire chamber in this concealed vantage point.

With everything ready, Lynn immediately directed a few more taut strings toward the mass of rubble, skillfully maneuvering them to slice away a calculated portion.

Each movement was executed with precision as if performing a surgical procedure. The deliberate cuts targeted specific sections, systematically weakening the structural integrity of the barricade.

After each incision, Lynn could sense the tension building, a palpable anticipation in the air. And then, in a climactic moment, a deafening crash reverberated through the chamber. The relentless pounding and the weakened state of the rubble finally reached its breaking point.

In an instant, chaos erupted. The horde of monstrous creatures, previously confined behind the barrier, now surged forward with a ferocious energy, flooding into the underground chamber with twisted limbs flailing wildly.

Lynn observed the unfolding scene from above, concealed within the darkness. Some of the creatures, as expected, were immediately drawn toward the metallic door, seemingly sensing the presence of their prey—Cooper and the other officers valiantly defending the entrance to the stairway.

Fueled by a primal bloodlust, the horde quickly organized itself and surged forward, scrambling towards the distant stairwell. Their numbers seemed to multiply relentlessly as more of the creatures emerged from the recently reopened tunnel, bolstering their ranks and intensifying the overwhelming threat they posed.

To respond to the approaching threats from down the stairs, the officers unleashed their firepower. The sharp cracks of gunshots reverberated through the air. But the gunfire unwittingly attracted more of the ravenous creatures, drawn by the noise and the scent of fresh prey.

"It's time to move," Lynn muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible as he swiftly activated his skill [Spiritual Vision].

In an instant, his perception underwent a dramatic shift. The limitations of his physical senses fell away, replaced by an extraordinary awareness that allowed him to discern the flow of spiritual energy in his surroundings.

He could immediately detect the distinct swirling vortexes shimmering in the underground chamber - unmistakable signs indicating the movements and positions of the horde's creatures.

However, their attention remained firmly fixed ahead, unwaveringly drawn towards the stairwell where Sheriff Cooper and his men were making their stand.

Turning his gaze toward the sewer tunnel, he also noticed scattered pockets of spiritual energy churning within its dark depths, hinting at the approach of additional monsters from that direction, but their numbers were fewer.

The diversion caused by the sheriff and his men had successfully attracted the majority of the horde towards the stairwell, leaving the opening relatively unguarded. This was his chance to slip through unnoticed and confront the mastermind behind the chaos.

Lynn waited, patiently biding his time for the perfect moment to move. He closely monitored the passing traffic until a fleeting instant emerged, where the tunnel was momentarily devoid of any occupants. 

Seizing this opportunity, he swiftly propelled himself downward. He expertly maneuvered his body into a crouched position upon touchdown, ensuring minimal noise and preserving the element of surprise. 

In that split second, he harnessed the potent potential of his body muscles, coiling them like tightly wound springs, ready to unleash a burst of phenomenal speed.

He even summoned a wisp of spiritual power, skillfully channeling it toward the activation of his unique ability [Cell Proliferation]. Methodically, he bolstered targeted muscle groups that played a crucial role in running, augmenting their capacities with surgical precision.

As the increase took hold, Lynn's entire being became an embodiment of unparalleled velocity. This metamorphosis was further enhanced by the combination of [Quickstep].

His every movement suffused with an otherworldly grace. Each step he took was a meticulously calculated masterpiece, designed to minimize any hint of sound, his footfalls lighter than the gentlest whisper.

Like a phantom, he traversed the passageway of the sewer tunnel, his form blurred as he melded seamlessly with the shadows.

Within a matter of moments, Lynn vanished into the depths of the abyss, embraced by an all-encompassing darkness that concealed his presence. His figure became a mere specter, an enigmatic entity blending effortlessly with the obscurity that surrounded him.

As he ventured deeper into the sewer tunnel, the air grew thick with a putrid stench, a noxious mixture of decay and filth. The faint sound of dripping water echoed through the narrow passage, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

Suddenly, his enhanced vision detected a gathering of monsters approaching on the horizon, their ominous presence foreshadowing imminent danger.

Realizing the perilous situation at hand, he instinctively understood the need to exercise caution. "I should not start a fight here," he pondered.

He understood that engaging in combat within the confined space of the sewer tunnel could draw unwanted attention, potentially alerting other lurking creatures to his presence. The risk of being overwhelmed by superior numbers was high.

In a moment of quick thinking, he recalled the area's layout and speculated, "There should be another passage that leads to the left."

As if responding to his thoughts, the opening appeared before him. Without hesitation, he altered his course, diverting from the path that would have led him directly into the path of the approaching group of creatures. 

This crucial information stemmed from the comprehensive map provided by Officer Jink. Not only did it offer intricate details of the town's layout but also included a meticulous illustration of its underground system and much other information.

Lynn's decision to acquire the map proved to be a wise one. It was this valuable resource that instilled him with a sense of confidence, assuring him of his ability to venture into the sewer tunnels alone.

Armed with this knowledge, he embarked on his clandestine mission, skillfully traversing the labyrinthine passages that lay before him.

His heightened spiritual perception served as his compass, enabling him to discern and evade regions pulsating with surges of spiritual energy, all the while steadily advancing toward their source.