The Night of the Masquerade

The sound startled the three people below. The girl quickly looked up the tree, followed by Jess and Daniel. With a helpless expression, I had to answer my ringing phone; the call was from Michelle.

"What's up, darling? Are you heading home?" I whispered, attempting to stay calm to mask my fear from the two below. My mind was racing. After all, Jess and Daniel might be looking for trouble with me soon. My body trembled, perhaps because the night air had abruptly turned cold.

"Where are you now?"

I stayed silent for a moment, "In the garden, what's the matter?"

"I met an incredibly attractive guy, can you arrange for him to escort me home tonight?" Michelle asked from the other end of the conversation.

I glanced at the girl in the silver mask who was looking at me with pleading eyes. My heart began to race again. "No problem, give me a few minutes. I will come over to sort it out after I handle this situation," I replied calmly.

"Great, what situation are you dealing with?"

"Me?" I cast a glance below, "I'm observing two unseemly frogs bothering a beautiful princess. Do you think I should shoo these repugnant amphibians?"

I hoped they would be frightened by my threat and back off.

Jess, responding to my mocking tone, ignited flames in both his hands, and Daniel exerted his power until his tuxedo ripped, revealing his bulging, glistening muscles.

Michelle chuckled, "Of course, you should shoo them. I'll wait for you, okay?"

I eyed both of them; my heart pounded so hard, I'd botched my attempt to intimidate them.

(I'm in trouble this time. I need to find a way to escape.)

"Okay," I responded, hanging up the phone and tucking it into my shirt pocket before jumping down. My brain was spinning at high speed to find a way out. There was only one exit strategy at the moment. Hopefully, it would work, as I didn't have a Plan B apart from becoming a victim. As my feet landed, I quickly knelt down and picked up a stone from under the tree, unnoticed.

"Alright, folks, let's conclude this drama. Let me depart with this lovely lady, what do you think?" I asked, intentionally deepening my voice to sound more menacing.

"Not before I burn you to a crisp," Jess retorted, enlarging the fire in his hands and illuminating the park. The girl squealed in pain, feeling the rush of hot air. I was flustered too, but I had to remain calm.

"Alright then," I replied calmly, swiftly throwing the stone in my hand towards Jess's forehead and charging at him. Timing was everything.

Apparently still drunk or blinded by the dark, Jess couldn't dodge as expected. The stone hit his forehead sharply, causing him to stagger momentarily. The flames in his hands extinguished as he clutched his forehead and screamed in pain.

(I must seize this opportunity to disable him.)

I quickly sprinted to Jess's side and landed a punch right on his chin. The impact reached his brain instantaneously, knocking him unconscious - a result likely amplified by his drunkenness. I didn't actually expect the stone to hit him; I had hoped he would evade it, giving me an opening to punch him. Regardless, the outcome was the same.

I immediately turned my attention to Daniel, who seemed stunned by Jess's sudden fall. Daniel possessed the strength of a tank, his body practically bulletproof. Clearly, throwing stones, or punches and kicks would be like swatting a fly to him.

Now Daniel was livid and charged straight at me. I took a deep breath and calmed myself. This wasn't the first time I had confronted someone larger than myself in the village, and thankfully, Daniel was drunk. His run was staggered and weak. I promptly charged forward; as Daniel approached, I avoided a direct collision, swiftly grasped his hand, and yanked his outstretched arm, causing his body to lose balance and lean too far forward.

At that crucial moment, I tripped him and propelled him forward using his own momentum. His head plunged downwards, crushed by his own weight and causing quite a loud thud. At least that would have some effect, evident from Daniel lying motionless with his head having cratered the garden floor, and my foot that had tripped him earlier throbbed with pain.

Seeing the two bodies lying there, I was grateful that I had managed to save myself this time. Nevertheless, I had to leave before they regained consciousness. I took a few steps away, fear driving my actions, but then remembered the girl still standing behind me. I reluctantly turned around to see her still next to the tree.

(What is she doing there? Is she waiting for them to wake up?)

I turned towards her and said, "Princess, should we leave this place as well?" I extended my hand in invitation. She looked startled and a bit hesitant before placing her hand in mine.

Her hand was cold, slightly trembling, and very soft, making my heart flutter and time seem to stop. I looked at her quizzically.

(Is she a superhuman who can freeze time and make men nervous? Because that's what I'm feeling.)

The sensation coursed through my entire body, and as I gazed into the girl's clear eyes, my emotions intensified, lifting me high, experiencing a euphoria that was beyond words. Everything felt so perfect as if she had been created just to bring me this immense happiness.

Something was wrong with me, I thought instantly, and immediately led her out of the park and towards the hall.

We remained silent throughout the journey.

(Something's really wrong with me.)

Our hands were still interlocked, so soft, so right, until we entered the party room, filled with the noisy sounds of celebration. Taking in all the opulence, I was forced to snap back to reality.

(I am a lie in the midst of all this.)

My heart ached.

(Really? I'm going insane. I just met this girl; it's impossible that my heart is hurting.)

I glanced at the girl, and gently raising her hand, I kissed the back of it, "Please forgive my rudeness. It's an honor to have escorted you here safely." The girl blushed, and I immediately let go of her hand, wanting to say goodbye, but my tongue felt too heavy to voice it. My heart, too, felt heavy to let her go, and the girl stood silently, her eyes fixed on me.

"Th... thank you for helping me. I don't know how I should repay you," she suddenly replied. Her voice resonated beautifully in the depths of my heart.

(She's a dangerous superhuman.)

"It's no big deal. I just happened to be there," I replied. It wasn't initially my intention to get involved in this mess, but I suddenly remembered my other task – to introduce a man to Michelle. A quick solution to that issue popped into my mind. I looked at the girl and smiled mischievously, "Perhaps you could help me by accompanying me for five minutes. There is another girl needs a help."

The girl looked at me for a moment. Her voice was soft, "With pleasure," she replied, offering her hand to me, and her lips curled into a smile that my heart couldn't resist.

(Is she a superhuman who spreads her pheromones everywhere and drives all men crazy for her?)

I stared at her.

(I need her.)

My hand guided her to the center of the party room. Michelle was easy to spot because of her distinctive mask. She seemed to be engaged in a lively conversation with a handsome man, laughing merrily. I softly whispered to the girl, "Pretend to be with me for a moment," and without waiting for her reply, I led her towards Michelle.

"Michelle," I called.

Michelle immediately turned around and smiled.

"Your friend," Michelle said, eyeing the girl in the silver mask and white dress standing next to me. Her face was full of question marks, not expecting I would dare to bring a girl to a superhuman party.

"Let me introduce…" I gestured towards the girl, suddenly realizing I didn't even know her name. Fortunately, the girl was quick to extend her hand to Michelle.

"Nadia," she softly replied, which was immediately followed by Michelle's response, "Michelle, nice to meet you."

I could see the man beside Michelle beginning to listen in on our brief conversation, so I needed to execute my strategy immediately. I spoke a little louder so he could hear. "Michelle, I must apologize to you," I said, panting as if I regretted what I was about to say, "I can't take you home."

I gently took Nadia's hand and tapped it lightly with my other hand, "I need to take her home." I glanced at Nadia and subtly winked, unnoticed by Michelle or the man.

Michelle looked surprised, but her eyes immediately brightened; she was as astute as I had suspected. She glanced at the man beside her and retorted, "You can't do that; we came together. Do you dare to leave your friend here alone?"

I sighed, feigning a heavy decision. "I'm sorry, Michelle, you're a great friend, but she," I shifted my gaze from Nadia to the man, seeking his sympathy, "is my future."

The man merely smiled, signaling his understanding. "Maybe you can call a taxi," I suggested to Michelle, feigning sadness.

"I don't want to," Michelle replied, shooting a covert glance at the man.


I inwardly cursed. Why wouldn't the man next to Michelle step up and offer to take her home?

"Maybe one of your friends could take you home?" I probed further.

Michelle shook her head in mock despair, "They all have their partners, unlike you, traitorous friend."

Another moment of silence.

The bait remained untouched by the man.

"Well, it could be dangerous for a woman like you to go home alone by taxi late at night ... so be careful," I responded, feigning concern.

"You... you're heartless," Michelle retorted, falling silent as though waiting for something. And so was I.


Where were all the chivalrous men willing to help women in distress? Surely the man next to Michelle, a BtP member, had a vehicle to take her home. Unlike me, who only had a motorcycle, that if considered would obviously not suffice.

"Michelle, I'm sorry," Nadia suddenly spoke, surprising both of us. She continued, "What if you ask your male friend to take you home? I'm sure he won't refuse you." I looked at the man and so did Michelle. The game could still continue.

(Good job, Nadia!!!)

"No, I don't want to bother Alec, besides, we just met."

It's time to keep pushing, I looked at the man while smiling, "Come on, Michelle, he seems like a good guy, at least let him take you home. You'll be safe with him."

(It's him who won't be safe with you.)

"I trust him, I just didn't want to bother him," Michelle said, glancing at Alec and biting her lower lip. We continued to bombard her, I looked at Alec and it seemed that Nadia did the same. The three of us were waiting for his response.