Orphan-turned-bartender Jaime, believed to be ordinary despite a superhuman-creating event, is the most powerful among them, able to mimic and amplify superpowers. With Armageddon approaching, he is destined to be the Superhuman King, standing at the crossroads of a celestial war. Armed with immense powers, he must choose his allegiance between angels or demons, his decision bearing the weight of the universe's fate.
Impressively creative and enthralling, this book's plot captivated me from start to finish. I thoroughly relished every moment spent immersed in its pages. Moreover, the impeccable grammar added to the overall reading pleasure! Keep up the great work author!!
this book was super well crafted. I could easily read it even when I had little time in my day I still made time to read this novel. it was such a great read. hope to see how it turns out in 100 chapters from now. great job author.
The world background and setting have caught my attention already even before I started read your book. Well description of the story and the captivating plot development make me really enjoyable to read. Perhaps the author may try to separate the story into more paragraphs to make it easier to read but it is not a issue after all. Please keep up your good work!
Your book is well written and each character is properly described. I am truly impressed with the way you are able to make it seem as if I were watching a series because everything is so vivid and real. Keep up the good work because your novel has a lot of potential.
The story is well-written and detailed. It has an interesting plot and I like how it has a manhwa vibe into it. ❤️
I'm new here and Adam Aksara's book is the first that got me hooked already. Hence, the delayed review of this book. The story is well-written and takes me to a different fascinating world, where the characters are all awesome! This book indeed deserves a five-star rating. I'm in awe! [img=recommend]
although I've just read a few chapters I know I'm not going to regret investing my time in this book.plot perfectly written same with character development nice work author^_^
Really well written with an engaging story so far! Excellent use of language and makes you feel like you’re right in the action. Look forward to future chapters.
This looks really good! Well-written and with a poignant tone.It feels a bit like traditional media though. Even the blocks of texts. This will probably do better as a book, than a webnovel
the world background and the grammar is very well crafted. I would definitely continue reading this. love the way the story Is starting it is very well-written and engaging!
Ease read. I will totally check it all out as i like those kind of stories.. Keep the good work, i think it has a lot of potential. Really creative.
Superhumans, moral compass, and an impeccable writing! The book is very captivating and I genuinely enjoyed it.
The author's writing style is very captivating and engaging! The use of unique vocabulary gives a nice sense of flow in the writing, which keeps the momentum of the story going. Also, the descriptive language used makes one picture the events clearly making it a very immersive read! Keep it up!
Creative writing, loving the story overall it is worth a read and got me hooked . So keep writing, as I need more chapters .[img=recommend][img=recommend]
The world building in this story is excellent and I like how the story progress. The writing is very detailed and vivid for the reader. Overall, this work is an good example for high quality writing and keep up your good work!