Where the Ordinary Meets the Extraordinary

Under the warm glow of BtP's Headquarter café, four young women found themselves huddled over steaming mugs of coffee, their lively chatter filling the air. Amidst their discussions about fashion, work, and daily life, one topic took precedence - the enigmatic Bar Eve.

"Bar Eve is no ordinary place," Olivia, the senior BtP's Officer, began sharing with her juniors, her hazel eyes glimmering with fervor. "It's an oasis in the city's hustle and bustle, a world of its own."

Griss, the realist of the trio, quirked a brow, "It's a bar? Isn't it a café? What's so unique about that?"

"Well," Melissa intervened, her smile knowing, "In the mornings, it's a café, true. But come nightfall, it transforms into a bar. And not just any bar - it's about the bartender, Jaime. His charisma is... magnetic."

Always intrigued by the lesser-known and unique, Angela, the most introverted amongst them, found herself leaning in. "Tell me more about Jaime," she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Jaime is... charming, to say the least," Olivia began, sipping her coffee. "But it's more than that. He has this elegance about him. He's not just a bartender - he's an artist. His artistry shines through in his cocktail mixing, in his interactions with customers. It's like a performance of harmony. And his aura... it's serenely infectious."

Angela seemed skeptical, yet it was Griss who appeared thoroughly enthralled. The mysterious Jaime seemed like a character from one of her favorite novels - the wise, charming stranger who held an abundance of wisdom and tales to tell.

Feeling a pull towards the unknown, Griss made a decision. "I'm going to Bar Eve tonight. Not for him, but for these acclaimed cocktails."

The statement prompted giggles from Olivia and a surprised gasp from Angela. Melissa, however, merely smiled knowingly. "That's the spirit, Griss. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. Their cocktails are the best. The Master, is a world-renowned bartender."

Night fell soon.

Griss heart fluttered with a potent cocktail of excitement and nervous anticipation as she pushed open the heavy door of Bar Eve. She was a young woman with an adventurous spirit, always curious about the world, and tonight, her journey had led her here. As the soft amber light washed over her, she blinked, allowing her eyes to adjust to the hushed ambiance of the bar. The soft murmurs of patrons coupled with the soulful notes of the blues playing in the background added a hint of mystery to the air.

Her gaze was immediately drawn to the man behind the bar, a magnetic pull that made her heart skip a beat. Jaime, as he was introduced, was not just a bartender; he was an artist, a magician of sorts, whose stage was the polished, wooden bar counter and whose magic was expressed through his captivating performances and the exquisite cocktails he created. He held an alluring charm that was irresistible, a beacon of comfort and warmth in the cool, dimly lit bar.

He was the kind of man whose mere presence would cause a room to fall into hush. Taller than most, he carried his height with an easy grace, a living testament to nature's symmetry. His muscular build was clearly visible, even through the simple cotton of his shirt, a silent testament to countless hours spent honing his physique.

His hair, a raven black, fell in unruly waves, a touch of wildness that only added to his allure. Beneath a pair of strong, dark brows, his eyes were a startling azure, a color so bright it was as if a piece of the summer sky had been caught within his gaze. They were expressive eyes, full of hidden depth, a mystery waiting to be unraveled.

The lines of his face were chiseled, as though sculpted from marble. High cheekbones, a strong jaw, and a straight nose painted a picture of conventional masculine beauty, yet there was a softness there too. His lips, full and well-shaped, could curve into a smile that was disarmingly boyish, a jarring contrast to his otherwise imposing presence.

He was the epitome of masculine allure, a blend of strength, sensuality, and mystery. Yet, he was also profoundly human, marked by an unspoken vulnerability that made him relatable, even amidst his otherworldly charm. There was a charisma about him that was undeniably attractive, a blend of charm, intelligence, and a hint of danger. It was this combination, of physical beauty and complex character, that made him utterly irresistible.

Jaime was a symphony in motion. Each movement, whether he was slicing a lemon or stirring a cocktail, was imbued with such grace and fluidity that it was mesmerizing. His actions were swift and sure, never hurried, each step a measured dance that commanded attention. He moved around the bar as if it were his own personal canvas, the bottles and glasses his colors, his skills as a bartender bringing to life a masterpiece of a performance.

His voice, when he spoke, was like a warm caress, soothing and soft. His words were always meaningful, often interspersed with nuggets of wisdom that had a way of seeping into the hearts of his listeners, assuaging their worries and stirring their spirits. He had a unique talent for understanding people, their stories, their sorrows, their joy, and reflecting it back through his empathetic words and actions.

He was a spectacle to behold, his enchanting persona enveloping the bar in an air of serene tranquility. His very presence seemed to fill the room with a comforting warmth, an inviting ambiance that made people feel at home. His laughter, a rich, infectious sound, filled the air, igniting the atmosphere with its charm. Each smile he gave, every cocktail he made, was a reflection of his heart - full of warmth, understanding, and a genuine love for what he did.

The young woman found herself captivated, entranced by this mesmerizing gentleman. As she settled into a seat at the bar, her eyes never left Jaime. It was as if she was under a spell, enchanted by the elegant charisma that he effortlessly exuded. She found herself admiring him not just for his good looks or his skills behind the bar, but for the gentle soul she saw reflected in his actions and words.

As she watched Jaime pour a liquid sunset into a chilled glass, she realized she had come to Bar Eve not just for the acclaimed cocktails but for the chance to witness a true artist at work, a man whose inner light shone so brightly that it touched the heart of every person who entered the bar, including hers.

The serenity that surrounded Jaime seemed to seep into the very fabric of Bar Eve. In the presence of his calming aura, patrons found their hurried thoughts slowing down, their hearts resonating with the peaceful rhythm of his existence. The bar, under his watch, was not just a place for drinks and chatter, but a sanctuary of tranquility where souls could unwind and hearts could find peace.


As dawn breaks, Café Eve stirs to life. The scent of roasting coffee beans wafts through the air, mingling with the fresh aroma of baked pastries. The soft glow of the rising sun seeps through the tall windows, casting a golden hue on the rustic wooden tables and chairs. The comforting hum of the espresso machine creates a melody with the soft whispers of early customers, all starting their day in the warm embrace of the café.

As dusk falls, a transformation takes place. The door to the adjacent room opens, revealing the secretive allure of Bar Eve. The room darkens, yet becomes alive with soft, ambient lighting, reflecting off the polished bar counter and the glass-shelved bottles it cradles. The café's daytime buzz morphs into an enchanting nighttime hush, filled with soft jazz tunes and the clinking of glassware. An air of relaxed elegance permeates the room, inviting patrons to unwind into the night. Café Eve by day, Bar Eve by night – a dual sanctuary catering to the rhythm of the day.

In the heart of the room stood a plush chair, upholstered in rich burgundy velvet, an invitation to relaxation. Next to it, a mahogany bar gleamed in the soft, warm light. Bottles, their labels a blend of familiar and exotic, were displayed like jewels in a cabinet, while the mirror-backed shelves cast a magical luminescence around the room.

The walls, painted in a comforting shade of earthy taupe, were adorned with curated artworks, their intricate details pulling your gaze. There was a sense of curated sophistication that the room exuded, paired with an air of welcoming comfort.

The bar awakens under the soft glow of dim lights, bringing an alluring sense of mystery to the ambiance. The air fills with the gentle strumming of blues, jazz, and new age music, its volume so finely tuned that it complements the hum of conversations rather than overpowering it. The melodies remain unintrusive yet beautifully audible for those who seek to lose themselves in the music, or can easily fade into the background when visitors engage in light-hearted banter. This nostalgic, subtly melancholic atmosphere has a unique charm of its own. Time seems to lose its urgency here, making Bar Eve a sanctuary for those seeking solace from their daily emotional upheavals.

As the night matures, the bar caters to a small group of customers, the majority being familiar faces except for one new entrant who adds a hint of intrigue to the scene. BtP office workers, not bound by the ticking clock, or those residing in the BtP dormitory, often seek refuge in Bar Eve during these hours. They immerse themselves in the pleasure of sipping on warm beverages or relishing the finest wines, a comforting ritual that helps them shed their daily stress before retiring for the night.

In the heart of this evening soiree, I find my role as the barkeep, often sharing the stage with the Master. At times, when the Master is away on errands like today, the bar becomes my sole responsibility. From serving our patrons and crafting their preferred beverages to ensuring the cleanliness of our haven and finally drawing the curtains on the day, I steer the ship single-handedly. Each night at Bar Eve is a beautiful symphony of shared stories, soothing music, and healing connections that continues to unfold under the starlit sky.

Just as the tranquil hum of the bar was settling into its usual rhythm, an old man walked in, pushing the heavy door open with a sense of familiarity. His face was etched with years of wisdom, and a pair of glasses rested on the bridge of his nose. Despite his advanced age, there was a vibrant energy around him that hinted at a spirit much younger.

"Is the Master around?" he asked, his voice a rich baritone that filled the quiet space. His eyes, sharp as a hawk's, swept around the bar, looking for the familiar face of the Master.

"He's in the city," I replied, noticing the slight disappointment flash across the old man's face. "He's buying some replacement plates and glasses that were unfortunately destroyed this morning. But he'll be back soon."

The old man simply nodded, a small smile curling up the corners of his mouth. "I'll wait," he said, making his way towards the barstools. He had the comfortable ease of a long-time patron, someone who had spent countless nights sipping on the Master's expertly mixed cocktails and engaging in deep conversations.

As he settled into the worn leather seat, the old man rummaged through his coat pocket and pulled out a small, well-worn travel chess set. The pieces, though aged, were well cared for, the black and white paint barely chipped. His eyes twinkled with anticipation as he set the pieces on the tiny board.

"Would you fancy a game of blind chess?" he inquired, a glimmer of excitement lighting up his eyes as he watched me. His proposition was as unexpected as it was compelling.

The night seemed to pause, its steady rhythm momentarily arrested as I weighed his offer. Blind chess wasn't just a typical game; it was a cerebral battlefield that demanded keen memory and strategic prowess. Each player had to envision the chessboard in their mind, mapping out moves and counter-moves in a mental projection.

His gaze remained unwavering, patient yet brimming with anticipation as he awaited my response.

"Deal," I echoed back, mirroring his enthusiastic smile. "But, I'll be playing while working."

"Not a problem," he chuckled, his voice rich with amusement. "You can use it as an excuse when you lose to me for the 242nd time."

"That's right," I agreed, shaking my head in good-natured defeat. "e4"


"I've never won a single game against this old man, the brother-in-arms of the Master."

"Knight to f3."

"Knight to c6."

"Bishop to b5."

The old man smiled, "Hmm, the Spanish game, huh? a6."

Thus, in the enchanting glow of Bar Eve, as the melodies of blues and jazz whispered stories of forgotten times, the old man and I embarked on a cerebral dance of blind chess. The absence of the Master didn't seem to matter anymore as the bar transformed into a battleground of wits and strategies, the old man's infectious energy filling the room with a lively warmth. The night was young, and the game had just begun.

The gentle chiming of the bell at the entrance echoed through the bar, heralding the arrival of a guest. "Welcome," I offered, a cordial smile painting my face. As a bartender, it was not just my job, but my duty to set the stage for the patrons' experience.

A breathtaking vision of beauty wafted into the room, her lithe form weaving a tantalizing dance of unsteadiness. Her every utterance was a tantalizing symphony of intoxication, and her identity wrapped in the enigma of mystery. Her intoxicating state, however, whispered untold tales that intrigued and entranced me.

Her silhouette was a sensuous masterpiece of elegant contours - slender yet potent, evoking an allure that was as intoxicating as the finest vintage. She was garbed in the trappings of wealth and sophistication, each thread spun from an elusive world far beyond ordinary reach.

Her visage was divine, unblemished as if kissed by the goddess of beauty herself. Her gaze, framed by sultry lashes, bore an enchanting enigma that could seduce even the most stoic hearts into submission. Her lips, beguiling and inviting, seemed to hold the power to spin a web of desire, weaving a spell so potent that it left no bystander uncharmed. This mysterious, intoxicating woman was a force unto herself, commanding attention with an inexplicable power that set the room afire with unspoken intrigue and electrifying allure.

(It's often said, a man with money can reign supreme in the game of life. But a woman armed with beauty can capture the world and harvest anything her heart desires.)

But this woman was no ordinary enchantress. Fastened around her upper left arm was a distinctive armband bearing the logo of BtP, an emblem about eight centimeters wide that was impossible to miss. As per regulations, all superhumans under BtP were mandated to wear this symbol wherever they went. But this armband was more than just an identity marker—it bore a long, dark tale, steeped in the annals of a violent past.

A haunting testament to the reality that superhumans had been granted an unbridled license to eradicate any human life audacious enough to oppose them.The symbol held an ominous undertone; it was a free license to kill, a dreadful pass that chilled the blood of ordinary humans who knew of its implications.

The woman elegantly settled herself onto the barstool, her piercing gaze meeting mine. Her familiarity with me was unsettling, given that I had no recollection of her. However, the absence of sound did nothing to muffle the power of her voice. In a wordless whisper, she formed a request that hung heavily in the air between us. Her lips, painted with the colors of seduction, conveyed a simple, deadly proposition: "Jaime, usual payment, usual work, I want you to kill someone."

My response was as silent as her request—a simple hand gesture asking, "Who?"

"BtP Top Officer," she answered, her words laced with a cocktail of potent emotions. There was a lethal calmness in her voice, but her eyes—a tumultuous sea of hate, rage, and sorrow—revealed the storm brewing within her.

The words echoed around the bar, a chilling silence following her explosive statement. Killing a top officer was no simple task; it was a decision that weighed heavy with consequences.

As the gravity of her request sunk in, I found myself trapped in her gaze, an unspoken conversation taking place. A knot tightened in my chest; it was not just a job but a dangerous gamble that could flip the scales of life as I knew it. The brewing storm in her eyes echoed the tempest rising within me.

The elderly gentleman, engrossed in his game of blind chess, cast a glance in my direction. His eyes, filled with wisdom and a quiet strength, wordlessly conveyed his message: "Proceed as you normally would."