Echoes of a Shattered Dream

Startled, I instinctively made a small leap, causing the plates in my hands to crash to the floor, creating a loud crashing noise as they shattered and scattered. My heart pounded in my chest, and my ears rang with the deafening noise. Madame screamed in shock, crouching down to protect herself. From the front of the cafe, I could hear the sounds of chairs being moved, bottles and glasses breaking, and people hurrying out. When everything finally subsided, I found myself still crouched on the wooden kitchen floor, my hands protecting my head, glancing sadly at the broken pieces of plates around me.

Madame massaged her chest as she knelt, staring at me fearfully. "What happened?"

Reluctantly, I slowly stood up and moved through the back door of the kitchen to see the front of the cafe. Not far from there, I saw an overturned BtP prisoner transport armored vehicle in the middle of the street, engulfed in flames. Several BtP members who had come out of the cafe, including Daniel and Jess, were seen rushing towards the vehicle, each using their unique powers. Some flew, some ran incredibly fast, others leaped great distances, while some emitted fire, electricity, wind, and various other powers.

A group of individuals clad in green suits rained down bullets and RPGs on the BtP members.

I quickly turned back into the kitchen. "Madame's guess was correct," I said, "BtP members had sent the superhuman robbers captured this morning to the BtP Headquarters, and now the Superhuman Liberation Group is trying to rescue their friend. Unfortunately, this time it happened just outside our café."

It was a recurring incident, especially each time a superhuman was caught. Their friends would rally to save them.

Madame began to stand up, grumbling, "I still can't believe it... whether it's a superhuman or BtP..." Her voice gradually lowered until it fell silent. She had returned to her work, using both hands. Meanwhile, I reluctantly picked up the shattered plates and pieces of window glass in various shapes and sizes from the floor.

"Is anyone injured?"

Both Madame and I jumped almost simultaneously when we suddenly heard Master's voice. He was standing at the threshold of the kitchen.

"Just broken windows and plates," Madame replied curtly.

Master shook his head in concern and walked to the front of the café, observing the disarrayed glasses, chairs, and tables. "This is going to need a lot of work."

"Have you ever regretted opening a Café and Bar in front of the BtP Headquarters?" I couldn't help but inquire.

Master smiled, his expression tinged with mockery. "My father owned this land, and now it's mine. I will never sell what he left behind, even if they chose this place as their headquarters because my foolish sister sold her soul for their money. Besides, our café charges them five times the normal price, and they keep coming. Can you imagine the profits we make? It's a thriving business right in front of the BtP headquarters."

"But what if an incident like this happens again? It could be dangerous," I said, glancing at Madame.

"Do you think I want to live a hundred more years?" Madame's determination resonated as she spoke. "If he dies, I want to die with him."

"We're too old to ponder such matters," Master directed a thoughtful gaze at me. "And what about you, Jaime? Why do you still choose to be here, risking your life as a normal human amidst the Superhumans?"

I paused for a moment, contemplating his question before replying, "Well, the five times normal salary might be one reason."

Master's smile softened, and he spoke with profound wisdom, "Jaime, amidst the shadows of a painful past, one must find the strength to let go of their burdens, for only then can they soar once more on the wings of newfound freedom."

Inside the café, the sound of raining bullets and RPGs continued to pierce the air, a cacophony of chaos that seemed to engulf the entire place. But amidst the pandemonium, Master remained steadfast in his task. With resolute determination, he worked tirelessly to clean up the mess.

As shattered glass and broken plates lay scattered on the floor, I moved swiftly, sweeping the debris into a neat pile. My movements were focused and efficient, as if I had become one with the rhythm of the chaos around me. The sounds of war seemed to fade into the background as I concentrated on the task at hand.

With each sweep of the broom, my mind drifted to the events unfolding just beyond the walls of the café. I knew that a fierce battle was taking place, a desperate attempt to save their friend who had been captured.

I tried to recall the beginning of all this. It was approximately six years ago, a few years after the infamous year of COVID. At that time, a massive energy rain inundated the Earth for several days. Auroras appeared almost all over the world. All television channels broadcasted that the energy rain came from outer space as the Earth entered a highly charged energy shell.

Some believed that our Solar System also revolves around a central sun called Alcyone, located in the Pleiades star cluster, with a cycle of 25,800 to 26,000 years. They claimed that six years ago, the solar system and the Earth entered a region called the photon belt. This region contained high-energy photons that caused the entire Earth and its inhabitants to transform to a higher energy level, turning humans into light beings due to changes in the atomic structure within the human body caused by the photons' energy.

Others believed that at that time, the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, a black hole named Sagittarius A*, aligned in a straight line with the Sun and the Earth, opening a gateway to heaven or a gateway of transformation towards becoming light beings. Some also said it marked the transition from the Age of Pisces, or the age of doubt, to the Age of Aquarius, or the golden age. Earth, considered lost for thousands of years, would experience a glorious era in the Age of Aquarius, referred to as the Golden Age. In the Age of Aquarius, happiness and light would fill the Earth, and there would be no more evil. Everything would be filled with love.

Soon, the gate to the Kingdom of God, the True Source, will be opened, and humans will return to the place where they belong.

At that time, the energy rain flooding the Earth caused many electronic devices, including cars, to malfunction. For three consecutive days, all electronic devices were rendered unusable. The energy rain also affected a small portion of humans. Some experienced mild effects like dizziness, nausea, and fainting, while others faced severe consequences, led to death. The situation was further complicated by the damage to several hospital electronic devices. The death toll increased as patients whose lives depended on hospital electronic devices could not survive for long without them.

Although most people at that time felt no effects, a small group of people suddenly developed abilities beyond human comprehension. This happened about 21 days after the energy rain occurred all over the Earth.

They could suddenly sense explosive energy within and around them. Some felt their bodies becoming weightless. Some of them could control and utilize the energy around them, transforming into anything they desired with the power of their minds.

Mystics and spiritual followers speculated that the energy rain had purified their bodies and enhanced their spiritual strength. The large amount of energy had transformed their cells and DNA, activating more than 90% of the dormant capabilities of the human brain and DNA. Normally, regular humans could only activate about 3% to 5% of their brain and DNA capabilities throughout their lives. Some even speculated that with the power of their minds, a few of them could transform energy into matter.

These abilities were the hidden powers of humans, usually only possessed by yogis. After decades of practice, yogis could transform their physical bodies into pure energy. In ancient times, yogis could fly, disappear, teleport, control wild animals, control fire, wind, water, shape-shift, create gold from their hands, produce gems from their mouths, and perform many other extraordinary feats.

The energy rain had indeed activated many hidden abilities in humans. According to spiritual elders, it was like reclaiming their true nature as human beings because God had created humans with all these perfections. Those who received this abundance of energy were reborn and perfected by Him.

(But perhaps God forgot to perfect me too.)

In public terms, those who obtained special powers after the energy rain were called as Superhumans or Blessed People. In medical terms, those who underwent changes had a specific scientific name. I can't remember it clearly because it was too long and complicated. Broadly, they were referred to as Superhumans.


As I opened the back door of the kitchen to throw out the rubbish, I was met with a sight that froze me in my tracks. There, before my eyes, was a superhuman dressed in a striking green outfit, towering over the BtP officers with a power of gigantic proportions. He was a behemoth, capable of increasing his size and strength at will, and he used his power to devastating effect in the battle.

On the other side, a superhuman in a dazzling blue costume exhibited an extraordinary power of stone body. He was seemingly impervious to harm, his skin turning into an impenetrable armor that deflected bullets and blows effortlessly. The clash between these two powerhouses was like witnessing the meeting of unstoppable forces.

Despite their immense abilities, they seemed to be equally matched, each countering the other's moves with precision and skill. The ground shook with the impact of their blows, and the air crackled with the release of their powers.

As I stood there, feeling like a mere bystander in the presence of gods, I couldn't help but be in awe of their abilities. It was a rare sight, a glimpse into the otherworldly realm of superhuman powers. But amidst the spectacle, I couldn't shake off the feeling of insignificance.

To them, I was just a normal human, like a harmless dog in the midst of their battle for supremacy. Nobody shot a dog while fighting for their life, and in the same way, they completely ignored my presence. It was both a relief and a reminder of my vulnerability.

Part of me wanted to run back inside the safety of the cafe, away from the danger unfolding outside. But another part of me couldn't tear my eyes away from the incredible display of power and skill before me.

In that moment, I realized the stark contrast between my own ordinary existence and the extraordinary world of superhumans. I was just an ordinary person working on a cafe, while they possessed abilities beyond imagination.

As the battle raged on, I felt a mix of fear, envy, and admiration. Fear for the destruction their powers could cause, envy for their abilities and the potential they held, and admiration for their bravery and strength in the face of danger.

But amidst the fear and admiration, a sense of resignation settled in. I knew that I would never be like them, no matter how much I wished for it. I was just a normal human, destined to live an ordinary life.

As the battle finally came to an end, with the green-garbed giant emerging victorious, he quickly disappeared from the scene, leaving the defeated blue-armored superhuman behind.

Their superhuman world and my normal human world, I looked up into the boundless blue sky that once seemed so full of possibilities. Once, I was one of them, blessed with extraordinary powers that set me apart from the rest of humanity. I soared through the heavens, my wings carrying me to heights that most could only dream of. My life was a tapestry of wonder, and my dreams reached for the stars.

But fate can be cruel, and in a heartbeat, it all came crashing down. My wings, my powers, my very essence, cruelly torn away, leaving me stripped of the very things that defined me. Now, I stand alone in this vast world, a mere mortal once more, a fragile being surrounded by titans.

The pain of losing it all is an ache that never subsides. The void within me is an abyss, consuming any flicker of hope or joy that dares to surface. Each shattered dream is a haunting reminder of the life I once had, a life that now seems like an impossible fantasy. The world I once knew is now a distant memory, replaced by the harsh reality of my current existence.

Every day, I grapple with the emptiness that now engulfs me. The dreams that once lifted my spirit now taunt me with their absence, a constant reminder of what I can never reclaim. I feel adrift in this sea of heartache and despair, lost in a world that no longer recognizes me.

"Once, I am one of them..." I whisper, the words heavy with regret and longing. But now, I am but a shadow of my former self, a mere mortal among gods, left to wander this world with the ghost of my past haunting my every step.