Research Division

My heart pounded with a blend of adrenaline and strategy as I focused on the Security Division building to my right. Every cell in my body pulsed with the urgency of my mission, a ruse to draw attention away from the Research Division on the far left of the entrance gate. It was a high-stakes game of misdirection, and I was the mastermind.


Suddenly, the air cracked with the sound of a man leaping inhumanly high, landing before me with a resonant thud that shook the ground and echoed in my chest. He growled, a sound so feral it scraped against my nerves, and lunged at me, his fists glowing a menacing yellow. I leapt out of his way, and his missed punch left a deep crater in the ground, a glaring testament to his strength. He cocked his head back and roared, a command for me to descend. My lips curled in a sly grin; there was no way I'd give him that satisfaction. My body ascended, soaring high above the mayhem below.