Dreams in a Cape: A Wannabe Hero's Tale

On a sun-drenched morning that seemed almost too perfect, a sense of aimlessness clung to me, palpable as the scent of an old, forgotten song. The atmosphere felt heavy, like a haunting melody drifting through the air. 


I sat in a café, nearly empty except for me. The rich aroma of freshly ground coffee wafted through the air, intertwining with the subtle, dulcet tones of a melancholy pop song that seemed to understand my mood all too well. 


Once, I had been the renowned bartender at Bar Eve—or was it Café Eve? No matter, the distinction was inconsequential. My cocktails were the stuff of legends, each swirl of latte art captured in countless Instagram posts, endlessly admired and shared. However, a calamitous event had turned my world upside down.