Chapter Seven: Seeds of Suggestion

Chapter Seven: Seeds of Suggestion


POV: *Lavender*


Pomegranate seeds had been Demi’s least favorite punishment. I think that was why she only used them when she needed something drastic. I wish I could say it wasn’t her favorite because of how it left me, but I wasn’t that naïve. It was her least favorite because when I ate them, she had the least amount of control over me.

That was a big reason I hated that damn fruit too. I wanted to control my body and actions, but the moment I ingested them, all I had control over was how I could handle their aftermath. Coming to terms with what I did while under the tart juice started when I finally had all gist of what I had done while under their influence.

When the effects would hit, it always came on like I was on autopilot. Slowly my perception of the world around me would blur. Finally, I would get moments of lucidity, like memories that filtered in through strobe light flashes.