Chapter 1: God's Game

The year 2547, New York.

"We need backup. The Frontline has been destroyed. Monsters are rushing toward the base. We can't hold them for long. "William says with a trembling voice. There was no response.

As there was no response, he realized that the communication had been cut off which meant that the base had been destroyed. As he was thinking about what to do.

He started to hear screams. He turned back and saw it was the scream of his comrades. Monsters were tearing them apart. It was a horrifying scene for William.

The Monsters killed everyone, and William was the last man standing. He then picks up his fallen comrade's sword and shouted, "Come at me you fuckers. I will kill you all", and then started to swing his sword. William was fighting them with his full strength, as he slashed the monsters.

There was no end to their numbers and because they kept coming no matter how many he killed, William was slowly reaching his limit.

"If only I was stronger, I would have protected you all. I am sorry, please forgive me for being weak, "William says, fighting the Monsters. Tears were flowing from his eyes.

William was heavily injured, but he didn't give up. He swings his blade fiercely, cutting everything in sight. He started losing a lot of blood as the injuries deepened. "I will not give up," he says.

As he was killing monsters, it appeared. It was huge and was covering the whole sky with its massive wings. When William looked at it, he suddenly lost his strength and fell to his knees. "Out of all Monsters, why him?" William was scared as his soul had left the body.

It was Nebulus, the Black Dragon that was deemed as an SSS Rank Catastrophe.

520 years ago, portals started to appear all over the world. Mana started to flow from those portals. With the help of Mana, humans began to gain supernatural powers.

As humans were slowly adapting to their powers. One day, a man appeared from the sky. He introduced himself as God's Messenger and said, "Humans, you should feel honored as you have been chosen for our entertainment." Everyone was shocked to hear that.

The Messenger says, "Silence. As I said, you humans were chosen. It means that you will die." Everyone got scared upon hearing this. "Monsters will be unleashed into your world. When you kill monsters, you will level up and gain rewards. If you play well, you will survive and even get a chance to be sponsored by the gods.

By sponsoring I mean, the gods will choose you as their Avatar and will give you some of their powers. The chosen Avatar cannot disobey the god or else they will die. Now then, I have talked too much. The gods are nagging me to start the game. Oops, I forgot to tell you humans the main thing. When you kill all the monsters in the world, the person with the highest contribution can request anything from the gods. Whatever you request will come true even if you wish to become a god. Times up, I have to go now. Good luck, humans." and he left.

Suddenly, the portals opened, and monsters rushed out, killing everyone in sight. People began to run, but no matter how fast they ran, they weren't able to outrun the monsters. Cities were destroyed, the military was wiped out and the world was nearing its destruction.

The world was in turmoil as laws ceased to exist, and humans with powers began to kill one another for their greed. As a result, humans were divided into two factions. One faction consisted of humans who wanted the world to end and the other consisted of those who wanted to protect the world.

The evil faction was called "Dark Corpse" and the other faction was called "Resistance".

As a result, war broke out between those two and it resulted in the victory of Resistance, and Dark Corpse was annihilated along with monsters that came from the portals. The portals were cleared.

Cleared portals disappeared, and new ones began to appear. They began to explore the portals. As they explored the portal, they realized that these portals were connected to another world and that the world was surrounded by multiple boundaries. Each portal was a gate to those places inside the boundaries.

When a new portal is formed, it needs to be cleared within seven days. If not, then an outbreak will occur and monsters will ravage the surroundings.

To not cause another outbreak. Survivors from all over the world came forward. They then created W.R.O (World Rankers Organization) and guilds. They also created a Ranking system for their supernatural powers.

Supernatural powers were categorized into:

Legendary -> Epic -> Heroic -> Rare -> Common.

Humans who gained these powers were ranked from:

S-Rank to E-Rank and were called Rankers.

As a result, after 6 years. Peace was regained temporarily.

500 years later. Gods began to get bored watching humans live in peace. As they wanted to see humans suffer. They changed the restrictions of a portal break from 7 days to 1 day and also released the most dangerous existence, Nebulus.

There were 71 S-Rankers in the world. They partied together to kill Nebulus. But Nebulus was too powerful. Even when they attacked together with their full strength, it didn't even leave a scratch. As a result, only 8 of them survived.

Back to the present time -

William was one of the S-Rankers who survived. He had reached his limit. William closes his eyes as he has accepted his fate.

Nebulus started to talk as he saw William, "Kekekekeke... human, you look so pathetic." William was shocked to see Nebulus talking, as monsters weren't able to talk.

"How does it feel to be powerless?" Nebulus asks. William was still shocked and wasn't able to reply. Nebulus, upon seeing how shocked William was says, "Human, you are weak. You were like this when we first met, too. Don't you remember what happened 2 years ago? You couldn't even move and were kneeling like this (laughs). It was very enjoyable to hear you ants scream as I ripped them apart." Nebulus says as he laughs.

William got angry after seeing Nebulus laughing. "You Mother fucker. Don't think that no one can kill you. One day, someone will come and kill you. Mark my words."

Nebulus got angry after what William said to him. Nebulus uses Breath of Destruction (Attack's Name) on William. It was an attack that could destroy anything it came in contact with.

As Nebulus attack was about to strike William.

"Oho, a talking lizard, how cute." Suddenly a man appears in front of him.