Chapter 2: Disaster

As the attack was going to hit William, a man appeared in front of him. "Good job on holding this long. I will take it from here," the man said, and he then cut off the attack with a single slash from his weapon.

Nebulus and William were both shocked. "How can a mere human be able to stop my attack?" Nebulus asks. "Stopping that weak attack was nothing special." the man replies. Nebulus got angry.

"Aww, are you angry right now? Want to cry?" The man mocks Nebulus. Upon hearing this Nebulus lost his temper and began to attack.

The fight started. As they both began to attack each other, Nebulus's attack wasn't hitting him. He was dodging every attack like it was child's play.

William was astonished to see someone toying with the most dangerous existence. Suddenly William remembered who that man was.

He was someone whom both the monsters and humans feared. The man who can rival all the S-Rankers even if they attacked together. He was the first and only SS-Ranker in the world. Michael a.k.a The Grim Reaper. "Fuck, I hate that cringey name. Don't people have anything to do other than coming up with these shitty names," Michael says. "Stop reading my mind and focus on fighting," William said.

(He got that name as he uses a Scythe as his weapon.)

The fight intensifies. It was becoming one-sided as Michael was overwhelming Nebulus. "Who are you? How can a human have this much power? I have destroyed countless planets and I haven't seen anyone as powerful as you," Nebulus says. "Thanks for the compliment," Michael laughs.

"How does he have this much power? It can't be that he is an avatar of a GodKing. No, the GodKings don't like giving their powers to humans. All the other high-ranking gods also won't give a human this much power." Nebulus was lost in thoughts.

"What are you thinking in the middle of a war," Michael says as he cuts down Nebulus's wings. Nebulus screams in pain. "You fucking human, I will kill you and torture your soul for eternity," Nebulus said. "That is if you can." Michael laughs.

"Playtimes over Lizzy, let's end this," Michael then dashes towards Nebulus. Both of them use their most powerful attack. The attacks struck each other.

(Boom) A large explosion takes place wiping out everything at a 10 Km radius.

William was quickly teleported far away from the explosion. "That idiot always knows how to make to angry." A female voice was heard. William turned around and saw a beautiful woman. He was grinning at her. "Where the fuck are you looking at." William gets punched in the face and loses consciousness.

"Hey, hey, don't kill that poor guy," A man appears. He was Aiden an S-Ranker and Michael's best friend. "Ok, I won't kill him for now;" she said. She is also an S-Ranker. Her name was Kelly. She is a childhood friend of Michael. Kelly then makes a worried face as she watches the explosion.

"Oho, worrying about your hubby," Aiden said. "Shut up, we are not like that." Kelly tried to deny it while she was blushing.

"Jokes aside. It looks like the fight has come to an end." Aiden says with a worried face. Kelly was praying for Michael to be fine. They then rushed towards the place.

The smoke starts to disappear. Aiden was shocked. "What happened?" as Kelly was asking him, he didn't respond. Kelly began to walk towards Aiden.

She looked at the way where Aiden was looking and saw Michael's weapon. It was broken into pieces. Upon seeing this, Kelly burst into tears as Michael was nowhere to be seen.

As the smoke disappeared. A Large figure was seem behind them.