Chapter 3: Broken Hero

A large figure was seen behind them as the smoke cleared.

It was Nebulus. Kelly and Aiden were terrified of seeing Nebulus instead of Michael. They quickly draw their weapons to fight. As they were about to attack.

"What the heck are you idiots doing?" A man's voice was heard. They started looking around to see where the voice came from. "Where are you looking at? I am up here."

They suddenly looked up and saw a man standing on Nebulus's head. Upon closer look, it was Michael, standing on top of Nebulus half-naked. It turns out Nebulus was dead. Kelly and Aiden were happy to see Michael was alive.

Michael came down, and Kelly suddenly jumped and hugged him. "You idiot don't make us worried again," she says while crying. "I am sorry, I won't do that again. So stop crying like a baby," Michael said.

Kelly calmed down, and Aiden began to talk. "Thank God it's over."

"Why the fuck are you thanking those bastards who made us go through hell." Michael was furious on hearing what Aiden said. "It's just a phrase," Aiden says. "Even if it's a phrase don't thank those bitches." Michael said.

"Stop it, guys. Let's enjoy this moment as we can," Kelly said. "Yes, let's forget about that and enjoy like she said," Aiden says. Upon seeing those two happy, Michael was relieved.

As they were happily enjoying their peace, cracks began to form in the sky. "Don't tell me that more monsters are coming," Aiden says a scared look.

"Stay back, it's dangerous," Michael stands in front of Kelly to protect her. Kelly was blushing seeing him trying to protect her. Kelly was determined and said, "Michael, if we make it out alive. Let's get married."

Upon hearing her sudden confession, Michael was flabbergasted. "If we make it out alive, then I will be glad to marry you," Michael replies. Kelly was overjoyed, and Aiden was happy for them.

"Finally, they opened up to each other. Michael, you have always fought to protect your family and didn't even consider your safety. You fought day and night and even without sleeping for months. You suffered every day, and those you saved didn't even appreciate you. You fought for humans, and those humans abandoned you for their greed. After this, let me take care of the rest, so you can be happy with her" (Aiden's thoughts). 

"Thanks, I am really glad that you are my friend," Michael said. Aiden forgets he can read minds. "You bastard, stop reading people's minds," Aiden was embarrassed. Michael was thankful to him. At that time cracks began to spread and covered the whole sky. They began forming all over the world.

Suddenly the crack opened, and a man came out.

"Congratulations on surviving," he said. That man turned out to be God's Messenger. They were shocked. "No need to be alert, I didn't come here to fight," he said. Michael asks, "Then why did you come here?"

"To give you humans the reward for surviving and entertaining the gods," Messenger replies while smirking. Michael got angry but decided to calm down as he couldn't win against him.

"You have been granted a wish, as we promised. You can wish for anything," Messenger said.

"Anything?" Michael asks. "Yes anything," he replies.

"Then I wish to become a god." The Messenger was shocked to hear Michael's wish. "You said anything right, so why do you look so shocked? 500 years ago, you said that even one can wish to become a god. Did you forget that?" Michael asks him with a smile provoking him. The Messenger got angry.

The scene changes to the gods.

"No, we can't let him become a god. Didn't you see how he killed that dragon with ease. If he became a god, we couldn't guarantee that he won't kill us " (Odin).

"I agree with him. We can not let him live " (Ra).

"What about the promise? We told them before that they could choose to become a god as a reward. If we don't fulfill his wish, then what will those humans think about us? Don't you guys have any pride as a god?" (Thanatos).

"That's enough. Do you think we care about those ants hating us when they are gonna die" (Zeus laughs).

"I won't let you do that" (Thanatos).

"Why are you trying to stop us now. You haven't said anything for the past 500 years when these insects were getting killed" (Zeus).

Thanatos was speechless and backed down. "Now, does anyone want to make him a god?" Odin asks, and the other gods don't say anything. Thanatos walks out from there.

Zeus and the other gods laugh. They then unleashed millions of monsters onto Earth, and there were many of them more powerful than Nebulus.

Michael was terrified to see these many monsters. "You did well, human, but sadly, those old geezers are scared of you. So good luck with dying. Seeya," Messenger leaves.

After a while fighting the Monsters.

Michael was heavily injured and couldn't even move a muscle. Michael was lying down as he knew he was gonna die. He then turns his head and sees his best friend and lover getting eaten by monsters. Michael was heartbroken as he wasn't able to save them. "I swear that I will kill you all Motherfuckers. Even if I have to sell my soul...".

(Stab) "You should just die already, because of you I have to come here again." The Messenger stabs Michael's heart. "Oh, my dear Michael, you should have asked for another reward, then this would have never happened. Your greed killed your friends and now you are blaming us," Messenger laughs at Michael. Michael who had lost everything began to think that it was his fault. He blames himself.

Michael then began to have flashbacks. "You idiot stop blaming yourself for everything. It isn't your fault that they died. You tried your best. You can't save everyone so please stop blaming yourself." Michael remembers what they have told him before.

Back to reality.

"Any last words before you die," Messenger asks. Michael then slowly raised his hand and shows the middle finger, "Fuck You". Messenger loses his temper and kills him. Michael dies.

After a while, he wakes up in a pitch-black space. Michael feels like he's drowning in a bottomless ocean. He couldn't move. "This is the end, huh? I died without avenging them. If only I got another chance." Michael was devastated.

"Do you want revenge?" An unknown voice was heard.