Chapter 4: The Key

"Revenge....? Yes, I want revenge." (Michael said). "Haha, I like your resolve, child. I will give you a chance, but you have to prove you are worthy enough to get it." (Unknown said). "Tell me what I have to do to earn your approval?" (Michael asks). "Oho, aren't you scared? What will you do if I trick you or ask you to sell your soul?" (Unknown asks).

Michael got silent for a while. "See, you don't have an answer to this. I can't believe I wasted my precious time for you. Human, you disappoint me." (Unknown said).

"I am willing to sell my soul." (Michael said). "How can I believe you?" (Unknown asks). "Contract. Make a contract with me. I am willing to sell my soul if you help me to kill those fuckers." (Michael said).

"Hahahahaha, human you amuse me. Fine I will make a contract with you, but in exchange you will have to help me when the time comes." (Unknown said). "Fine, I promise. (Michael said).

Suddenly the space where Michael's soul was, began to crumble. "What's happening? Arghhhh...."

The scene changes to Hell.

"My Lord, is it ok to help that human." (Thanatos asks). A man is seen sitting on a throne. His face is not shown as the shadow was covering him. This person is the unknown who was talking to Michael (Let's call him lord for now).

"He is the key." (Lord said). "Lord, you mean, he is the one?" (Thanatos asks). "Yes." (Lord said). "Finally after an eternity." (Thanatos was happy to hear that). "Looks like he's about to wake up soon. Go and get him here." Lord orders Thanatos. "As you wish my Lord," Thanatos said and left.

Michael has regained his consciousness and slowly opens his eyes. He was surprised to see where he was. It was a place filled with the souls of the dead. "Human, you finally woke up." (Thanatos said). "Where is this place?" (Michael asks). "Oh, you aren't scared of this sight. As expected of the person that My Lord chose." (Thanatos said). "'You didn't answer my question." (Michael says with an angry look). "You are quite a hot-tempered one. (Thanatos laughs and says) Welcome to Hell".

Michael was shocked to hear that he was in Hell. "Come with me now. The Lord is waiting for your arrival." (Thanatos said). "Wait, hold on a sec. Aren't you a High-Ranking God? Is there someone above that hierarchy?" (Michael asks with a surprised look). "Calm down human. You will get your answers when you meet My Lord." (Thanatos said).

Thanatos then opens a gate. He along with Michael enters it. Upon entering the gate, Michael saw that they were in a different place, and in front of them was a sea of blood. Thanatos says, "This magic is called Gate. When you use this, you can get to any place you want. It will connect to that place."

"Will I be able to learn it?" (Michael asks). "Yes you can but you will need to learn Z." (Thanatos replies). "Z?" (Michael asks). "It is a type of power that gods use. Z is more powerful than Divine and Demonic energies. Gods are powerful because we can use Z. Z is measured from 1-10. 1-3 is enough to make you a Low-Ranking God, 3-6 for an Intermediate God, and 7-10 for a High-Rank. And lastly, those who surpass 10 are called GodKings." (Thanatos said).

Michael was surprised to learn about Z. "We are here." (Thanatos said). "Here?" (Michael asks). "Yes, here," Thanatos says and then uses a spell. Suddenly the blood began to drain. As the blood sea was fully drained, a large Castle was seen down there.

The scene changes to Lord.

"Hahaha, fate is on my side. Wait for me, you backstabbers. Soon I will return and kill you all with my own hands." Lord laughs as he knows the changes that are about to come.