Chapter 5: GodKings

A huge castle was seen down there. It was surrounded by Monsters which were stronger than Nebulus.

"Let's go," (Thanatos said) and they began to walk towards the castle. Upon Thanatos's arrival, the monsters began to move away from the main gate and they then entered the castle.

The moment they entered. "Thanatos, what were you thinking, bringing a human here." (It was said by one of the high-ranking Demons). "It was our Lord's order." (Thanatos says with a serious look). Everyone was shocked to know. "I didn't know it was the Lord's command." (Demon says with a scared look).

"Hahahahah, the Lord has invited a human here." A man appeared behind them. Michael was unable to move because of the pressure he was exerting. "Stop it right now." (Thanatos said). He then releases Michael. "Haha, I was just testing him because I wanted to know about the human that Lord took an interest in." (He laughs as he says that). Michael was annoyed by him.

"Oh my, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Diablo and I am one of the 10 GodKings. I am also the ruler of Demons." Michael was shocked as it was his first time seeing a GodKing. "And by the way, Thanatos. You have some nerve to tell me to stop." (Diablo said with an angry look). "I am sorry..., I was in a hurry to bring him to My Lord." (Thanatos says with a trembling voice). Diablo then looks at Thanatos and raises his hand, "I was just kidding, don't take it seriously," (Diablo says) and then taps his shoulder. Diablo began to laugh. It turns out that he was just joking.

As he was laughing, he noticed Michael's eyes. "Those eyes," (Diablo says with a shocked look). "What about my eyes?" (Michael asks). "There is only one person in the entire universe who has the same eyes as you." (Diablo said). "Wait, my mother also told me that I have the same eyes as my father. Are you telling me that you know who my father is?" (Michael asks with a shaking voice).

"Yes, I know him. Your father is..." As Diablo was about to tell him. A man comes and stops him. "That's enough." Everyone got silent after his arrival. He was Xerxes, the Lord's right-hand man and also a GodKing. "Hey, why did you have to cut me off like that?" (Diablo asks with an annoyed look). "Not yet," (Xerxes said). Diablo understood what he said and told Michael, "It's not the right time buddy."

"Please tell me about my father." (Michael said). "Boy, time will tell. Now is not the right time." (Xerxes said). Diablo sees that Michael is not calming down and says, "You will get your answer when you meet our Lord." (Diablo said).

"Thanatos, you can go back now. We will take him to our Lord." (Xerxex said). "But the lord told me to bring him." (Thanatos said). "It's fine, we will take him there. You can go now or else those bastard gods will become suspicious of your absence." (Diablo said). Thanatos then leaves Michael in their hands and leaves.

"Follow us, kid," Diablo says and then begins to lead the way. After walking for a while they reached in front of a huge door. "My Lord, we have bought him." (Xerxes said). "Come in." (Lord replies). The door began to open slowly. 

The door opens.

Behind the door was a throne room. "Let's go in." (Diablo said). As Michael stepped in, a large amount of pressure fell upon him. Michael began to have a hard time breathing and was starting to lose consciousness. "Hahaha, you are weak." (Lord laughs).

Upon seeing him laughing, Michael punched his face to not lose consciousness. "I will not give up," Michael says and begins to use his full power to stand up. He started spitting a lot of blood. "My Lord, stop it or else he will die at this rate." (Diablo says as he is worried). Xerxes didn't say anything and was watching Michael. Diablo upon seeing Xerxes being calm began to realize what Lord was doing. "You have a long way to go, Diablo." (Lord said). Diablo got embarrassed.

"Arrrghhhhh...." Michael screams and his hair became white and his eyes turned red. He then slowly starts to get up. On seeing him getting up, Lord increased the pressure. Michael was at his limit, lost consciousness, and fell. Lord was disappointed.

After a while, Michael wakes up. But he isn't able to open his eyes nor move his body. He then realized that he passed out and felt like he was drowning, it was the same feeling as before. "Arghh..., I can't move." Michael could only think and wasn't able to move.