Chapter 6: A Dream?

It was completely silent.

"," Michael was slowly losing his mind as he was alone in that pitch-black space. Michael's soul was getting absorbed.

It was because of the sudden awakening of his powers as the Lord pushed him to his limits.

When a human awakens their power. Their strength increases tenfold. If you can't control your power at the time of awakening then the person goes into a berserk state causing that person to lose his mind and become a monster. There is only one awakening and Michael has already awakened. The power he felt at that time was similar to the gods.

Time passed and Michael's soul was completely absorbed by the darkness.

"Mike.... Mike... Mike, wake up, we have to get there early, or else we will be late again." Michael wakes up, looking confused.

He was confused and started to look around.

"Are you okay Mike, you are sweating a lot right now." Michael was shocked to hear that voice and fell to his knees. Tears began to flow, as he looked at the person. "Mike, what happened why are you crying." The person says with a worried look. "I am ok, it's just that I missed you, Kelly." (Michael said).

"What are you saying, you stupid idiot." (Kelly got embarrassed). Michael then stands up and hugs her. "I won't let go of you again." (Michael said). W.w.w..whaattttt..... (Kelly screams in embarrassment). "Kelly, I love you. I promise that I will protect you until my last breath. So please don't leave me again. Please... (Michael said).

"Mike, I love you too so please don't cry. But it took you so long. I always thought that you didn't love me. I am glad now. Thank you. (Kelly said with a happy look). Michael was happy and relieved at the same. Upon seeing him relaxed. "I don't know whatever nightmare you had but don't worry I won't leave you, no matter what." (Kelly said with a gentle smile). Both of them look into each other's eyes and then slowly move their lips closer and they kiss (Smooch ;).

As they were slowly smooching...

"Michael, Kelly when are you guys coming?" Aiden opened the door as they both hadn't arrived and it was getting late.

Aiden then saw both of them smooching and was shocked as hell. Everyone got silent for a moment.

"Sorry, wrong house." Aiden closes the door and runs away. Both of them were surprised. "That idiot", Michael says and rushes outside and drags him back in.

Aiden was kneeling in front of them. He knew if he said something he would die. (poor guy). "You know why I brought you back right?" (Michael asked). "Dragged, to be specific." (Aiden replies). Michael then glares at him. "I am sorry that I ruined your smooching moment." (Aiden said).

"You know the consequences, right?" (Kelly says as she looks like a demon). Even Michael got scared seeing her. "I should never get on her bad side." (Michael thinks). "Mike, what shall we do to him, shall we feed him to monsters or shall I fry him with my HellFire (skill name)." (Kelly said). "Leave him dear, he has already learned his lesson. See." (Michael said with a terrified voice). It turns out that Aiden got so scared that his soul was leaving his body. "Goodbye guys, see you guys in the afterlife." Aiden's soul says this and is leaving, then, "Where do you think you are going," Kelly says and grabs his soul by the neck and shoves it back into his body. Michael was so scared and realized he needed to be extra careful around her if he wanted to live.

Aiden wakes up. "I had a dream, where I was in hell and a demoness was chasing me. She was so ugly and scary." Aiden looked lifeless. "Get the fuck up." (Slap) Michael wakes him up. "Michael, did you die too?" (Aiden asks). "Looks like someone needs to get castrated to wake up." (Michael says). "No thanks, I am awake now," Aiden said as he knew Michael would do it."

"So when did you guys start dating?" (Aiden asks). "Just before you came." (Michael says with a smile). "Don't smile like that it's scaring me. I am sorry I didn't know that. I came because everyone was waiting and Kelly didn't come back, as she came to wake you up." (Aiden says with a terrified voice).

"Oh crap, I forgot about it. I am going to be ready now, wait here guys." Michael says and goes to his room to get ready.

"Don't leave me here." (Aiden cries). "Ugly and scary, huh?" (Kelly said). Aiden slowly turned around and saw Kelly holding her sword. She was like a demon. "K..k...k...Kelly... Calm down, I was just joking, ok." (Aiden says with a terrified look). Kelly walks slowly towards him. "Aaaarrrggghhhh." (RIP Aiden, you will be remembered).

Michael gets to his room and then he looks at the mirror. He saw that my had become a 17 year old agian. "Is this a dream or reality? Did I come back in time or did the world ending never happen?" Michael was confused and at that moment he got a call.