Chapter 7: Back To Hell

Michael looked at his phone. He was shocked and proceeded to take the call. "Sweetheart, have you eaten your breakfast?" Michael was shocked to hear this voice after a very long time. "No Mom, I was going to eat out with my friends." It was his Mother. "Ok, I will call you later then, take care sweetheart." (Mom said). "Yes Mom, I will. You too should take care. Love you, Mom." Michael then hangs up the phone.

Michael was shaken by the sudden call from his mother, as his mother was dead before the end. "It isn't a dream but reality. I came back and it was before the mass destruction." (Michael said). Michael then suddenly opened his diary and began to write. "The world ended in the year 2547 and I was 35 at that time. If I remember correctly, the gods would release Nebulus in 6 years. That means I will be 23 and that is the time I would have lost my mother. No, this time I won't lose her or any of my former comrades. I will grow stronger than before and kill all the gods." (Michael vows).

"When I found my mother's body, it wasn't burned like others but her soul was destroyed. At that time, I was so angry that I didn't think about it and blamed Nebulus. Now that I think about it, her body was emitting a power that was not Mana. It was similar to Divine power but more powerful. Wait... Powerful than Divine power... Z?. Does that mean my mother was killed by a GodKing?" (Michael got furious).

"Let's calm down first... I didn't know what Z was at that time, so I was unable to find the real culprit. After meeting the GodKings in Hell, I am familiar with Z now. Now, I know that it was a GodKing who killed her."

As Michael was thinking about it, he suddenly remembered his talk with Diablo. "Diablo said he knew my father, then that means my father is a god? Is my mother's death related to him?." As he was thinking, a message appeared in front of him. It says, "Lord is waiting for you". Two options were shown underneath the message. "Accept/Die".

"What is happening? A message out of thin air? Die? Isn't it supposed to be "Decline". Fuck, I don't care anymore." Saying this, Michael accepts the invitation. Upon accepting, a portal appeared in front of him. Michael draws his weapon thinking that Monsters would come out. To his surprise, Diablo comes out and without saying anything drags Michael into the portal.

"Let go of me bastard. I can walk." (Michael said). Diablo smirks at him without saying anything. It annoys Michael. "Say something you bastard." (Michael said). "You are annoying." (Diablo said). "You wanna fight?" Michael said with an annoyed look. "I don't like to bully the weak." (Diablo replies). "Who the fuck are you calling weak?" (Michael said). "You of course." (Diablo laughs). Michael was pissed off but couldn't do anything as he knew Diablo doesn't even need a second to kick his ass. "So, why is the Lord calling me now?" (Michael asks). "You will know once you meet him." (Diablo replies). "Not this shit again." Michael was annoyed.

After a while, they reached the castle. "Let's go in," Diablo said and they walked in. All the High-Ranking Demons were there at that time. "Sir Diablo, why did you bring a human here?" (Beelzebub asks). "Lord said to bring this little shit to him," Diablo replies while smirking at Michael. Michael was pissed as hell. "If it's Lord's wish then we won't interfere." (Beelzebub said). As they were about to walk, "Stop right there." Everyone was shocked to hear that voice and looked upstairs. A man was standing there wearing a mask. "What do you want?" (Diablo asks). That man comes down and looks at Michael. "Those eyes." (He said). "Eyes? Wait... do you know who my father is?" (Michael asks). "Diablo didn't tell you?" The man said and looked at Diablo. "Enough." Xerxes arrives in time and walks towards the man. "Wait, let me guess. You are going to say that it isn't the time yet. Right?" (Man said). "Yes, he isn't ready to know who his father is." (Xerxes said). Michael was disappointed. "Are you trying to look mysterious by wearing a mask?". (Diablo asks). "Somewhat." (The man replies). "To be honest, no matter what you wear. You look like shit." (Diablo said). "You wanna die?" (Man said). "Try me bitch." Diablo said and they were both ready to fight. "Stop before I kill you both." (Xerxes said). They both backed down after seeing that Xerxes was serious. "Take off that mask and introduce yourself." (Xerxes said). "Ok ok, calm down Xerxy. My name is Zerafyn and I am one of the 10 GodKings." Michael was surprised to see another GodKing.

"Let's go, Lord is waiting," Xerxes said and they began to walk towards the throne room. As they were walking Michael asked, "Hey Diablo, is Xerxes stronger than you? I am asking this because you guys stopped fighting as he ordered you to stop." "Yes, he is stronger than us. I am only 5th in the GodKing Ranking." (Diablo said). "GodKing Ranking?" (Michael asks). "You didn't know?" (Diablo asks). "No one told me." (Michael said). "I will tell you then. There are 10 GodKings in existence and they are ranked according to their power level. One GodKing is enough to kill all the High-Ranking Gods and Demons." (Diablo said). "So powerful... If you are 5th then what is Xerxes and Zerafyn's Ranking?" (Michael asks). "Xerxes is ranked 2nd and Zerafyn is 3rd." (Diablo said). "Then that means Lord is..." Michael was shocked. "Yes, he is the most powerful GodKing in existence." (Diablo said). "We have arrived." (Zerafyn said). Michael looked at the door in front of him.

"My Lord, Michael has arrived". (Xerxes said). "Come in," Lord said and the door began to slowly open...