Chapter 8: Painful Past

The door opens and we see the Lord sitting on his throne. Michael was shocked to see his face. Aside from his eyes which were blindfolded, his face was extremely beautiful. Michael was at a loss of words. He then realizes that all the GodKings he has seen so far are all handsome. But Lord was in a completely different league. His beauty cannot be said in words.

Lord then looks at Michael who is in a daze, and tells him to come inside. As Michael stepped in, he felt a tremendous amount of pressure on him. But unlike last time, Michael was able to endure it.

"You didn't disappoint me after all," Lord said and removed the pressure on Michael. Michael walks towards the Lord and asks, "Tell me, what am I? I know I am not a normal person. When others didn't even leave a scratch on Nebulus, I was the only one who killed him. From that, I know that I am not a normal person..... No, I am not a human. Now tell me what am I?" Lord smiles at him and says, "You are a disappointment." Michael was shocked and Diablo was on the ground, laughing his ass off. Zerafyn was holding it in and Xerxes, as usual, was standing there with a cold expression.

Lord looks at Michael and says, "What I meant was that you were a disappointment at first but now I see a little hope in you." Diablo was still laughing. "Shut up Diablo," Xerxes glares at Diablo. Diablo stops laughing. "Zerafyn." (Lord said). Zerafyn then walks towards Michael and says, "I will give you the answers you want. But first, you need to sign a contract with me and become my Avatar. If you become my Avatar, you can use 5% of my powers as yours." "A contract with a GodKing and 5%...?" Michael was shocked as High-Ranking Gods only give 1% of their powers to their Avatars and it's enough to destroy a country.

"Only a country? How weak." (Lord said). "You can read my mind." (Michael asks). "You fool, who do you think I am?" Lord says with an annoyed look. "Oh right you are the most powerful GodKing." (Michael said). "Most powerful huh..." Lord looks somewhat sad. "He is no longer the strongest," Xerxes said and the three of them were shocked. "How dare you say that our Lord is not the strongest," Zerafyn was furious as he knew that Xerxes was telling the truth. Xerxes looks at them coldly. "Don't lie to us. You are saying that the God who created existence, including all the life forms, Gods and Demons, is not the strongest?" (Diablo said). Michael was shocked to know that the Lord was the creator of all beings.

"Both of you calm down. What Xerxes said is true. Diablo, I am no longer the strongest." (Lord said). Diablo was devastated. "My powers are sealed right now as you know and the other GodKings don't know that I have been sealed. The bastard who backstabbed me is still alive, he is also recovering as I severed his both arms before he sealed my powers. He escaped and now we don't know where he is now. And now after 33 decillion years, my seal is on the verge of breaking." (Lord said). "33 Decillion years? That much long?" Michael was shocked. "Yes, the time in Hell is different from the time on Earth. One Decillion year is one year on Earth. That means it's been 33 years for you Michael". (Zerafyn said). It was a lot of information for Michael and he needed some time to understand it, he looked dumb right now.

As they were talking...

"My father and mother were both High-Ranking Demons. My whole family was powerful except me. I was born without any Demonic powers and was constantly bullied by my brothers and sisters. I didn't sleep for days as my father would come and abuse me whenever he was in a bad mood. My mother treated me like I didn't even exist. Every day was Hell for me. Everything changed when I turned 7. For the first time in my life, my mother talked to me and she told me to follow her. I followed her thinking that she was going to treat me like her son from now on but the reality was disappointing. She took me to the place where the souls were tortured for eternity. I was afraid of that sight and when I was about to turn around and call her mother... She pushed me into the large pit where the souls were. I looked at her while falling and saw that she was laughing at me. I was heartbroken. I fell in and was tortured like the other souls. For three years, I suffered. Every second of torture... I wasn't dead yet. A living torture. As I was about to die, you appeared, My Lord. You pulled me out of that living hell and you even took revenge for me by throwing all my family members into that pit making them go through that living hell for an eternity. At that time my parents who treated me like shit were begging me to save them. Their screams were like music to my ears as I had lost my sanity at that time, and left them there. After that, you single-handedly killed all the High-Ranking Demons and ended that hierarchy. At that time, I was amazed by your powers, and My Lord you became my inspiration. You took me in, taught me how to fight, and made me regain my sanity. You are a real father to me than my biological father. So don't say that you are not the strongest anymore, please. To me, you are the strongest." Diablo bursts into tears.

Lord stands up from his throne and walks towards Diablo and hugs him. "Diablo, I always thought of you as my real son. Before I met you, I was going around and killing other GodKings. I was all alone and that's when I found you. I saw myself in you, all alone. I took you in because I thought that you would help me relieve my boredom. I didn't see you as a child at first, just an object that will be used and thrown away. I was trash at that time. But as I took care of you and saw your smile, I felt an unfamiliar feeling inside my heart. It felt that I wanted to protect you and without me realizing, I was getting happier day by day seeing you grow. That's when I thought that this is what it feels like to be a father. Because of you I changed and began to trust others. If I hadn't met you, I would have still been all alone killing other Gods and Demons. I met Xerxes, Zerafyn, and others because of only you, so don't cry anymore, my son." (Lord said). Zerafyn and Michael were touched to hear their story and were crying but Xerxes was cold as usual.

After a while Diablo calms down and looks at Michael and says, "You are lucky." Michael didn't understand what he meant.

"Michael, as Zerafyn said you can become his Avatar or you can choose anyone else." (Lord said). "Anyone?" (Michael asks). "Yes anyone" (Lord replies). Then I choose...