Invitation To A Party

Currently, the class is boring.

I don't know if it is because this is my last day here, or just because the class is really boring.

I feel like sleeping again, but I didn't want to risk the anger of another professor again. This time, I might not be able to escape unscathed.

Shouldn't now be the time for our lunch break? Why was the time damn slow? I wondered, my eyes catching the square clock that has been hanging in front of the class, for like forever.

The time wasn't correct of course and I didn't come with my watch today. I had been so riled up about my new fashion style and people's opinions when they would see me, including Adam, that I had forgotten to put on the accessory.

I don't know if that said some wrong thing about me. Like I am becoming superficial or something.

"You know you shouldn't have bothered coming to school today if you were going to be this distracted." That was Naomi whispering as she brought her head and note close to me like she was showing me something.

I shrugged at her question, not knowing what to say.

She was right, but what she didn't know was that I had also come to school to catch a glimpse of Adam for the last time. I was just curious about his thoughts, if he would say something when we saw each other.

Call me stupid and lame, but I am yearning for an alone time with him again. After all, it was just for today. And I will be gone by the weekend. So it's just a fling, nothing much. If it even lives up to that name.

"You could have waited for me at your house. You know, spend more time with your mother..." Naomi was still saying, and I just nodded along, not knowing what to say or contribute to the statement.

The bell rang for lunch then, and we all breathed out in relief. We, as in the whole class.

Wow, it seems that I am not the only one that is bored out of my head from chemistry class. Not wasting any more time, I put my note which I never touched except to play around with, inside the bag, and stood up, pulling Naomi with me.

"Let's go to the cafeteria." I said to her, smiling when she huffed and repeated the same motion that I had just done. You know, putting her books inside her bag.

"I just wish that I can follow you out of the pack, you know…but I doubt my parents will allow that. I just feel like you are about to step into some kind of good stuff and I am here lacking behind. There is nothing interesting around here anymore. And just when I found you, you are about to leave. This is so not fair." Noami whined, pouting her lips.

This should be the hundredth time that Naomi had made this particular statement. It was like a mantra now, since we had left the house this morning. But I get her point quite alright. She was going to miss me. And I will too. So much.

But, just as we were about to walk out of the class with the other students who seemed to be in a hurry, Adam and Noah stepped into the class, causing an instant shut down in movement.

These two are really gods. I wondered how the king would divide the colony amongst them to prevent war or some fight.

However, I doubt that Noah or Daniel would want to fight Adam. Even though they were triplets, they somehow respected him quite enough, and they were so close that royalty bullshit would in no way separate them.

Well, I hope the king makes a favorable decision before he retires. After all, the boys would be having their first shift soon in some weeks to come, two to be precise.

And although I wish that I would be around to attend the ceremony, I wouldn't really miss it, since the three boys were lycans, or so they say, and the probability that they would find their fated mates at the instant of their shift was next to null. It was better to not hope.

"Good day, class. Can you all go back to your seats?" That was Noah.

Immediately, everyone scurried back to their seats, including I and Naomi.

My eyes came in contact with Adam's at the same moment that my buttocks hit my chair. He smiled. Like smiled.

I felt the thread of that smile down to my toes. Then I cussed at myself the next second, wondering whether the erotic dream I had of him this morning in class was playing a part in my stupid reaction to him now.

When everyone had settled down, Adam now stepped forward, his eyes never leaving mine, not minding that Claire was right there in the same class with me. I heard one of her minions scoff and knew that I'm not the only one aware that Adam was staring at me. But why?

"We are here to invite you all to a party at the lycan's estate in honour of Maya Holins who will be leaving us soon. It is a form of apology to her for making her two years quite troublesome.." Adam was saying, when I suddenly began coughing.

Naomi snickered, finding the event funny even as she brought out her water can and handed it over to me, talking me into taking a sip.

I heard Claire mutter 'fuck it' and 'dumbo', obviously as surprised at the turn of events, as the other students who were now murmuring amongst themselves.

Well, I hadn't seen this coming either.