Erotic Dream In Class

Adam opened the door to his room hurriedly, and immediately I stepped in, he pushed me gently to the wall and claimed my lips.

I protested with a grunt, when he broke away the next minute. He pecked my lips, before going over to the door.

Giddy with happiness and need, he locked up his door, not wanting anyone to interrupt us during this beautiful event he had been longing for a long time.

That done, he returned back to me.

"I missed you." He muttered, but I pulled him down to me, not in the mood for small talk.

He lifted me up then, smiling satisfactorily as I slid my legs across his waist,

Instantly it brought my hot core of femininity, liquid with need, to press fully against his thick, fierce arousal, since I was wearing a thin pant underneath the gown.

Adam groaned aloud, every sane thought, every good intention, flying out of his head. In its place was a need so strong and urgent that he fastened his mouth fiercely to mine. In primitive, stormy, almost violent possession. His mouth fed on mine.

He swept me away from the crushing walls, walking fastly to his bed, loosening the gown as he went.

I could feel his hands sliding possessively over my skin, slow and deliberate, as if he were committing every curve and hollow to memory.

I could feel the soft bed pressing into me as he trapped me beneath him, his body, so large and strong, blanketing mine. His mouth never stopped its series of long, drugging kisses that seemed to steal my will and arouse him beyond all human boundaries of need.

I found my hands clutching his wild mane of hair, hanging on for dear life as the firestorm raged around us, through us. His hands cupped my full breasts, having gotten me naked in a record time, slid along my ribs to my belly, found the triangle of curls below, and caressed my thighs.

Everywhere he touched he left flames behind, on my skin, inside my body, until I wanted to scream for relief. I thought to be afraid of his enormous strength(his wolf), but that thought, too, was swept away on a tidal wave of passion as his palm pressed into my heat.

I made a single sound, a low moan in my throat that ignited the fuse smoldering in him.

Adam's mouth left mine for the first time, trailing fire down my neck to the thrusting tip of my breast.

I cried out, arching into him, nearly exploding as his fingers found her tight, hot sheath and his mouth pulled strongly, his teeth scraping and teasing the swell of my breast.

His knee nudged mine apart even as his tongue lapped at the valley between my breasts. He was above me, his face harsh yet sensual, his eyes dark blue, burning coals. It was happening too fast. Way out of control.

I felt him, thick and aggressive, pressing into me. He seemed far too large for me to accommodate.

Trapped beneath his body, I couldn't move, almost couldn't breathe. His teeth scraped the swell of my left breast, an erotic enticement that set me arching toward his mouth. Yet fear beat at me as he surged forward, his body pinning mine, invading mine, taking possession as if he had every right to me. I felt as if he was invading my soul, thrusting so deeply within me that I would never get him out.

Instantly I stiffened, whimpering into his shoulder. I felt his teeth piercing my breast, spreading white-hot heat, sinking possessively into my skin as his body buried itself in mine.

His mind pushed into mine, breaking through every barrier until we were completely one. I felt the heat of my own skin, the exquisite ecstasy of my tight, hot, velvet sheath gripping him, releasing, sliding over him, my blood, hot with life and light, flowing into him, the joy and searing flames, his insatiable hunger and terrible need.

I saw the erotic images in his head, the things he would do to me, the things he wanted me to do to him. I saw his iron will, his implacable resolve, his ruthlessness, his merciless, predatory nature. He had marked me.

He saw my fears, my modesty, my blind faith in him, my need to run away to see my family. He felt the slight discomfort of my body at his thickness and instantly changed his position to accommodate me. He fed my own passion with his, building the fire between us until it raged out of control.

He was everywhere I was. In my body, in my mind, in my heart and soul. We shared the same blood. And, God help me, I could deny him nothing. Not when he was rising above me, surging hotly into me, his body slick with sweat, his mouth in a frenzy of hunger and need. It was the most erotic thing I had ever encountered. I didn't care at this point if I ever returned to myself.

I was flying, soaring, sating his terrible hunger for the second time in a while. The sense of power that gave me was incredible. I was in his mind, knew I was giving him sweet agony, molten fire. Knew it raged in him as it did in me. I surrendered to him completely, holding nothing back, my fingernails in his back, my soft cries, pleas for more, in his ear.

I wanted this with him, wanted to give him this exquisite torment.

My eyelashes fluttered, and I cradled his head, my body moving with his, faster and harder until I was rippling with pleasure, exploding, fragmenting until he caught me safely in his arms.

He lapped his tongue over the pinpricks in my skin, closing the tiny wound his Lycan fangs had left. His body clenched and raged for release, burning with a terrible need only me could fill.

My mouth moved, dropping kisses on his chest; my hot sheath, slick and velvet soft, tightened in demand, squeezing and kneading until his body clenched and thrust helplessly, mindlessly, aggressively into hers, spilling his seed deep within me, claiming me for all time.

"You are mine."

He murmured the words above my head as he cradled me to him, as his seed exploded into me.

We were bound forever irrevocably.

"Maya Holins..!!" The professor's loud voice in my dream whilst I was wrapped in Adam's hot and slick body brought my senses to focus and reality as I opened my eyes and bit my lips in shame.

What the hell just happened?

I just had an erotic dream about Adam? Fuck!