Abnormal Adam II

We were far away from the King's house now.

With every step that I took, my heart drummed within in fear and curiosity of what was about to happen.

Adam had never said a word since we had left the holding cell. He had just been humming to himself some tune that I can't seem to place no matter how hard I tried to rack my brain for it in the bid to curb the boredom that was assailing me.

Next to books, music was the next favourite. You could say that as much as I was a book fanatic, I was also in love with music. It was among the stuff that had aided me during the bullying days.

Now, all that seemed so far away. This part of the King's arena made it so. I have never seen or been to such a cold place, devoid of life in the pack.

It was as if no living thing existed here. Even though there were some trees, they were very dry and dead, with no leaves on them.

What was this place?