In The Eatery II

When had he gotten here? I wondered, not bothering to turn aside to look at the human that had come to stand beside me.

Why was he here? Obviously he had heard the content of my mock speech to Raul, but who said he could join the discussion? Well, what do I know, this place was his territory.

"What are you doing here?"

Nice question, Raul. I thought, making taps on the table with my finger, as if a question hadn't been directed to me earlier.

"I don't remember passing a remark to you, wizard.."

Okay, that was a low, Adam. What the hell was he doing? Was he that petty to pick a fight with Raul just because I had mentioned that Raul was more handsome than he and his brothers.

How right could the word bastard be at this point?

I watch a server advance towards us, with our order I presume, her eyebrows furrowed, probably wondering why Adam was at our table.