In The Eatery III

Diana broke the silence first, with her laughter. Raul followed next.

"Raul!" His twin shouted, but dude couldn't be bothered enough to stop.

"Little Adams? God, Dora, you are so funny." He said, not stopping to catch a breath.

I liked his addition, so I pretended not to see that he was close to Diana now. I hope the dude wasn't planning on following through on his mother's plan though, else this camaraderie would be lost soon.

"How dare you? Who do you think you are? Sine last night, you have been…" Noah was saying, when Adam stretched his hand in front of his face, probably telling him to match a brake, because the red faced dude stopped speaking.

However, I decided to finish it, in my own way with my own ingredients. "Since last night I have been what? Dodging your sexual advances? I don't get it. You trio haven't taken rejections before?"