Patronizing Headboy

"How long has this been happening?" I asked Sinclair when we were a few feet away from the cafeteria, heading to the principal's office.

Levina has refused to say a word since we left the cafeteria, but that had been okay. People reacted to situations like this differently. If I would take a bet, she was contemplating her father's reaction when he finally heard the news.

There was a minute silence, during which I had taken the inhalation and strength to shout him away from my side if he chose not to talk about this troubling matter. But then, he started speaking. "For a while now. It's not regular, but it happens occasionally, sometimes in the cafeteria, sometimes in the training field. Actually since her father had been elected the school's principal."

I sharply turned to look at him. "And how many years is that?"

"Five years."