Angry Principal

When we got to the principal's office, he was in a meeting with someone, and so we had to wait by the door till he was done.

We knew because we saw from the small opening or rather crack in the window blinds that Mr Lethon wasn't alone. And so, we waited. We waited for about fifteen minutes before the door opened and Prof. Bulock stepped out of the office.

When he saw I and Levina, a still milk-soaked Levina, he piqued his eyebrows, keeping his steely gaze on me. "What did you do to sweet Levina? What did you do this time around?"

I snorted. "Does it look like I did anything to her? If your mind was free from prejudice as it should be, you would have noticed that. You would have noticed too, that I was her ally and not a foe. So much for the magic you claim to have for observation. Now, if you will excuse us, Prof Bulock, we have to see Mr Lethon." I said, as he was standing right at the entrance, his hand clutching the knob tight.