Chapter 6

Life is funny. I called Rina to warn her about a shady looking guy. I should have been warning myself. The dizziness was in full swing at this point and I was metaphorically knocking on death's door. An upset man in all black rushed past my pink existence and slightly bumped me. It would have meant nothing but I was sick, and in that brief moment I didn't have the chance to knock. Instead I stumbled and when he reached out to steady me, I twirled. It was 3 seconds of peace as I spun like a beautiful rose colored ballerina into the arms of the shady man. He had a hand placed against my back bracing me and the other was holding onto my hand, I was bent back and looked up into those twilight eyes.

"Thank you so much," Before the man could even say I was forgiven or sorry or get off of me you smell. I yanked my hand from his wrist, and brought it to my lips. I bent forward and tried to get away. This commanding, shady, but caring man had no idea what was going on in my mind. He thought I was unsteady so pulled me in to balance me. I couldn't fight the feeling any longer as I profusely released death onto his shoes and legs. I was now crying and couldn't stop the outpour of vomit. I would have rather died, in my delirium between bouts of heaving I understood what End of Life meant, and all of those deadly feelings I had felt. I had good intuition, I should tell that to Rina and we can laugh. I smiled as more of my insides wrenched and I threw up even more. A nurse had rushed over, and tried to grab me from the man. I couldn't even bear to look at him, he had held me tenderly and stroked my back softly as I ruined every piece of clothing he had. I could see the name brands being destroyed with each heave, my shopaholic heart being torn. My real heart sank so deep into my chest with embarrassment that all I could do was cry and retch. What a kind man, I thought as I cried.

My father came running in. "Sweetheart! I am so sorry I was gone. Are you alright? What is going on?" The nurse stared at my Dad, who then stared at the mysterious vomit stained man. I choked, "Please get his number so I can pay him back." "Give him your card too." I dropped my head to the floor, not daring to look at anyone as I began to walk away towards the nurse who handed me a blue vomit bag, muttering something about getting me a room, and to not worry the meds are here. I heard in Korean, "wait please". I didn't look up. I couldn't. I was defeated and might as well act like I don't speak some of his language. Then I heard in english, "Name, Please." I don't know why he wants to know my name, when I just used him as a human toilet. He probably wants it for legal reasons so he can sue for damages. My dad would take care of it. I followed the nurse into a hallway and in front of my assumed room door. It said 13, I laughed out loud, onlookers must have thought I was crazy, vomit soaked and laughing. But, God was that number an understatement.


I think it was around 2 in the morning when I started to drift asleep again. I had just worked a full shift and then had been with Tae Woo for the past three hours. I was resting my head on his bed again and my eyelids began to close. I felt like I had a few dreams that I couldn't remember. I hardly remember my dreams so that wasn't too big of an alarm. I awoke to hearing some whispers. They must've been between Tae Woo and his manager. They were discussing something again but this time in regards to his stay here in America. I heard him say that he would go get his brothers before he took them back to the hotel. They would still be leaving tomorrow but without their youngest member. The door closed and I fell back asleep again.

It was almost like a stampede running through the door. I heard many footsteps and so many voices. I think someone was even crying. I roused a little but kept my eyes shut, when a soft hand covered my ear. It was Tae Woo and he was shushing his brothers while protectively covering my ear from the sounds.

"You need to be quiet, she is sleeping." Tae Woo whispered.

"Wahhh" all four of them collectively gasped "who is she?" "I want to meet her." "Is she pretty?" Tae Woo sighed and he bit his lips slightly and then started, "She is my girlfriend, I am leaving the group and staying in America with my love." That's all he said, he didn't even say just kidding, or got you guys. Just silence. My mind exploded and my heart started beating and I could feel my pulse against his finger pressed to my temple. I didn't know if I should sit up and correct him. I should, right? It felt nice though, is he going to stay in America for me? That was a joke.. wasn't it? I wanted to let them know but I realized I really didn't want to meet 4 more idols. One was enough for tonight. The manager finally came into the room, "Whatever he just said, don't believe it. It's all lies." I guess he knows that Tae Woo has a sense of humor.

"This nice lady will be taking care of Tae Woo while he recovers from his condition. We are still leaving tomorrow, as you all are extremely busy." My heart sank, how stupid am I? What did I get myself into? I can't possibly fight off these advances, maybe I should just let him take control. The manager was about to say something else when Tae Woo cut in, "Hyung why are you wearing a hospital gown? Are you sick?" Laughter burst into the air, it became uncontrollable and no one stopped while Tae Woo just stared. One of the idol's spoke up, I couldn't tell who, "Kang met the love of his life, but she didn't feel the same way." He slapped his back and I assumed Kang spoke up, "I just helped someone and my clothes took the crossfire, I am fine. Thanks for the concern."

All of the idol's said goodbye, they seemed heartbroken to leave Tae Woo behind. I stayed 'asleep' for the long drawn out process of the manager peeling each of them off of Tae Woo. After they left the room, I opened my eyes and stole a look at Tae Woo. I thought he would be crying his beautiful tears and I could console him, but his eyes were right on me as I lifted my head. His finger rubbed behind my ear. "Are you alright?" I said, he took a deep breath, "Surprisingly, I feel great."