Chapter 13

"Hey Tori, can you check the address again?" My dad looked slightly frantic. He always acts like he knows where he is going and then halfway through realizes he's lost and then uses the maps. I always offer to put the directions on before we leave but he insists he knows so I let him. I always get a laugh out of it and we leave an extra 30 minutes early so it doesn't hurt.

"Oasis Primary Care?" I asked him, and he nodded so I put in the coordinates. After my hospital visit last weekend, my dad decided I needed to follow up. The ER doctor said nothing was wrong, and I stopped throwing up after I released hell on Mr. Mysterious Guy. I had to change his nickname because Creepy Guy wasn't quite fitting after he was so sweet to me. Maybe that makes him more creepy? Who would be cool in that situation? I shuddered at the thought and went to put on some music while I had the phone.

I was tired of the silence. A notification banner pinged at the top of the screen. It was money from a random number and it was $3500. I was stunned, I slowly turned my head to yell at my dad for being in illegal businesses when another notification appeared. "I am so sorry sir, I can't accept this…" I contemplated, would my dad care if I looked through his phone, probably not, he was an open book with me but I felt like I should ask. "Dad, do you care if I look through your messages?" "Sure honey, what were you looking for?" As I expected, he doesn't hide anything from me. I clicked on the message to read the rest of the contents. "I am so sorry sir, I can't accept this money. My clothes are fine after a trip to the laundromat and they were due to be cleaned anyway. I appreciate your kindness. I was wondering, if your daughter was okay?"

My dad looked over at me, "did that boy accept the money?" I was in complete shock, he sent him 3,500 dollars. My heart filled with pride, my dad knew about how much his clothes actually cost. I would've guessed they were about that much as well. "He returned the money, and said he can't accept it. What should I say back?" My dad thought for a minute and said that he'll take care of it, and not to worry right now. "He asked how I was doing? What do you want me to say to that?" I looked at him with slight puppy dog eyes for what reason? I couldn't say? I just felt drawn to him. "Why are you asking me that Tori, he's asking about you so tell him?" I'm sure my dad meant for me to text him from his phone, but he never clarified. I put the number in my phone and thought for a few seconds and then impulsively sent the message.

Tori: Hello, my name is Tori. You helped me so much this weekend. I owe you one, seriously. I am so sorry about that night. I am also sorry about stealing your number. I just wanted to give you my thanks, and tell you I am feeling much better. I hope I will never have to bother you again. Thank you.

Mysterious Man: I am very relieved that you are feeling better Tori. It is nice to know your name. But in no way are you bothering me. This is actually good English practice for me so I don't mind the conversation.

Tori: Is English not your first language? I didn't even notice. Where are you from? Now that I think about it, I don't even know your name.

My thoughts raced, was he okay with me talking to him? I don't know why my heart was beating like this. I don't even know what he looks like or who he even is. I remembered back to that night when they took me away that he tried to call me in Korean. I was awoken from my thoughts, "We are here, let's go get you checked out princess." I put my phone in my purse and smiled at my dad. I didn't want to look too giddy around him, he might catch on. I finished my appointment. It took almost two hours, I was exhausted but as soon as I got in the car I checked my phone and was surprised when I had 6 missed texts from The Mysterious Man.

Mysterious Man: My name is Kang, well that's my nickname. Thankyou for the compliment though. I appreciate it. I have been trying to learn English for many years.

Kang: When I first saw you this weekend I was totally taken aback. You were the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. I hope we can get to know eachother better ;).

Kang: I am so embarrassed, that was my friends trying to pull a prank. I am so so sorry.

Kang: I truly didn't write that, my friends took my phone. Please forgive me.

Kang: I hope I didn't put you off. I was excited to have a friend who spoke English.

Kang: I am sorry, I let them get to my phone. I didn't mean to offend you.

Tori: Oh don't worry about it, I just couldn't respond. I had a doctor's appointment and didn't have a chance to check my phone. That was pretty funny of them to make up something like that though. Tell them they totally made me laugh.

Kang: What's wrong Tori, are you okay?.

Kang: I want to clarify something, they didn't make it up. I mean it wasn't a total lie.

Kang: Nevermind.I hope you are alright.

Tori: Yes I am fine, they just want to run more tests. I feel completely better now.

I didn't know what else to say, my heart was fluttering. What did he mean? It wasn't a complete lie. You can't just say nevermind to something like that. I'm too weak to even ask. I'll just wait for his response and see where this goes.