Chapter 28

My head was spinning, I had two many drinks and Rina. She is such a handful! I am so mad at her! I can't believe Rina kept such a big secret from me. I was practically in love with her boyfriend. I am in love with her boyfriend. I mean its obviously not in THAT way, but still. I've devoted 5 years of my life to watching his success. Shin Tae Woo. Rina's boyfriend.

My head ached, I felt hot. I made it into my Uber and knew I had a long drive home. I pressed the glass of the car to my cheek and felt the cold seep in. I was feeling dizzy but something gnawwed at me deep inside. I felt like I was forgetting something. What was it? I think I had too many new inputs of information.

I let my head rest against the window as my mind sorted out my day.

Shin Tae Wow is Rina's boyfriend.

He is in Woo5. My favorite K-Idol group is Woo5.

He was here in America.

Rina treated him as a patient, and was extremely rude to him at first.

I remember because I was there. I was sick.

Four men dressed in all black in the waiting room.

The same night.



I couldn't quite get my facts together before I felt my phone buzz from inside my purse.

I opened my purse, a video chat request from Kang.



The same night.

Four men dressed in all black in the waiting room. Fuck.

My skin went cold, the flush from the alcohol dissipated in seconds. I sobered up immediately. I declined the voice call. I threw up all over Lee Kang Woo. He may have not been my favorite person in the group but…

A new wave of embarrassment rushed over me again, worse than on that night. I can't believe that happened. He was so sweet too, he always gave off bad boy vibes on screen. I never expected him in real life to be so caring. My stomach flipped. What is happening to me?

I guess he might have a different persona while working. I mean that does make sense, to bring interest to the group. I've always been attracted to the golden retriever types. My phone started to vibrate in my hands.

Video Call from Kang.

I picked it up, "Hi." I said flatly, I ws staring at a blank ceiling. The phone rustled around and I heard some mumbling. A face I had seen a thousand of times before appeared on the screen. Piercing dark gray eyes and, curly black hair. He truly was Lee Kang Woo. I don't know how I hadn't noticed all this time. I felt a tickle form in my chest.

"Hello, Tori. Sorry for the delay. I had an english question." I couldn't focus, I couldn't breathe, I blushed.

"Tori, are you okay? You look kind of red? I hope you aren't sick again."

He looked concerned, just like what I could see in his eyes that night. I dejectedly walked away from him that night, too embarrassed to face him. I'm here now, facing him straight on. I can do this, I've never cared what people thought. I don't cower or hide. I face my feelings and my problems with strength.

"Kang, I think I like you."

He sucked in a breathe, and shit I messed this up. Why did I just say that? My inner voices were fighting full force. It's unattractive to come onto a guy like that. You are always straightforward don't blame yourself. They bantered back and forth. I couldn't decide if I should take my words back or just go with it. I decided this situation called for a tactical retreat. I was shocked that I was forced to such measures but, what can I say? This was a no win situation for me.

He is a K-Idol, I've been trying to ignore him for weeks because of these feelings, he lives in another country, I threw up all over him. Yes this situation definitely called for retreat.

"I'm sorry Kang for bringing that up right now, I think nows a bad time."

"Wait, Tori." he said loudly.

"Text me your English question, I have to go. Bye." I gave a little wave and a smile. Then I pressed end.