Chapter 29


How could this happen? A small chink in my armor, one I had never noticed before. He was so different in my head, stern, and dark. He was a gentleman of course, all K-Idols were. He was different though. He never paid attention to dating rumors or fan confessions. I didn't like that about him.

I thought he had a stiff personality. Was I wrong? Was the fact that I, Tori, knower of all things was wrong? He was clearly in my blind spot and I didn't pay attention. I didn't move and I just let him crash into me.

I'm not afraid of love persay. Had I ever been in love? Yes. To a real man within my tangible grasp? No. There are different versions of love. My love was safe.

The fact that someone could be so sugary sweet to me after everything I had put them through.

I think if I met a person like that, I would like them.

I did meet a person like that. What was I running from then? Rejection.

What did I care? He can reject me all he wants and I will still be front row at his concert 3 weeks from now. That was love.

I took in a deep breath. I was fine. I could be rejected. I also can't give out advice to Rina, and not do the same for myself. I can be vulnerable. For some reason I just knew that with Kang everything would be okay.

My phone had been buzzing with texts.

Kang: Are you okay? I'm worried.

Kang: Tori, I wanted to ask you how to tell someone you have feelings for them in English?

Kang: I think I missed my timing though. Please message me, so we can talk.

Who does he like? Was he talking about me? My inner voice squeeled. I wasn't sure what to say back. In Tori fashion I decided to wait until I cleared my head.

I felt a light hum throughout my body for the rest of the ride. A feeling I was not used too. The driver pulled into our driveway and I yelled out to my Dad as soon as I walked in.

"Hi Honey, I'm finishing up this movie? Want to finish it with me?" My dad yelled.

"Hey Dad?" He immediately paused the movie and looked at me concerned. I was hiding half of my face behind the door frame.

"Daddy, I think I like someone." His eyes practically bulged out of his head.

"I'm going to tell him tonight that I like him." My Dad chuckled and replied, "I guess the movie isn't happening tonight then? Don't you think a confession is something done in person?"

I was surprised by how he was taking the news, my Dad had never taken anything I had done wrong. I had always told him the truth. I had never really told him that I liked someone though, so I wasn't sure.

"I can't tell him in person, he doesn't live in America." My dad looked puzzled, "Now wait a minute Tori, are you talking about a real man or have you fallen in love with another boys group?" He knew me to well.

"I guess you'll have to see when I let you meet him, Dad. I'm going to take a shower."

He yelled down the hall, "Good night honey, and good luck. Don't forget I'll always be here to talk too." I heard the loud noises of the TV resume. I removed my makeup, showered, and put on my pajamas.

Once I was finished I sent my reply,

Tori: About your question, you could say: I like you, I love you, I want to date you. Those types of statements would be good.

My phone began to buzz again, a facetime request from Kang. I answered and saw his blushing face, "Hey" I said.

"Tori, I like you, I love you, I want to date you. Also, you look beautiful right now."

If he hadn't added the beautiful part in I might have thought he was practicing his English. He looked so endearing, and my heart melted into his hands.

"I like you too." I whispered.

He smiled and it was gorgeous.

"I know my English is not very good but I'll take care of you." I smiled at his words. "I'll take care of you too." My first boyfriend. I didn't want to ruin the moment with my questions about his idolhood persona. I just smiled at him, and he cheesily smiled back.

"I think it is late there so, go to sleep. I'll hang up once you do."

I could hear different sounds and movements, he must've been getting ready for the day. I felt so comfortable though. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I drifted into a peaceful sleep. My first boyfriend.