Chapter 30

After last night, my doubts about Tae not loving me anymore were dispelled. I snuggled closer to him in my bed. Everything felt right, and I was at peace with how our relationship would go. I won't worry and I will let Tae take care of everything.

I was rubbing my thumb across the chiseled ab muscles and nuzzled my head under his chin. He chuckled, and I felt the vibrations through his chest. "Rina, I love you. I will do anything to see you smile" I looked up at him and kissed his lips. "Can I ask you a question, Tae?" He nodded. "A little while back, when we were playing video games, I noticed you looked sad. Why was that?"

He pulled me in closer and kissed my head, "I was worried about you. I thought I might lose you before, I even got to have you." I nuzzled into his hard chest again, feeling the soft skin. He continued, "You said you didn't want feelings, and I had so many for you. I was just scared, and sad." He took in a deep breath. "I'm fine now though." He squeezed me tighter and pulled me onto his chest.

"I have you now." That lead us into our fourth round, and I blissfully fell asleep on his chest.

I woke up to the smell of rice and something spicy. I quickly brushed my teeth and rushed out to the kitchen to figure out what the smell was.

Tae had cooked me a somewhat traditional breakfast with soup, rice, and some different marinated vegetables. The flavor was delicious. I literally drooled on my last bite, and unfortunately Tae caught me. He smiled and shook his head in such a sexy way that I instantly was ready for round 5.

We finished our meals and cleaned up. Meaning I sat at the dinner table and watched as a sexy shirtless man wearing loose hanging pajama pants did the dishes. He then turned to me with the dish towel over one shoulder, "Rina I need you to do me a favor, please."

I nodded, expecting something more kinky but… 20 minutes later, I was walking the supermarket aisles completely innocent.

Tae was dilligently scanning the hair dye boxes, he was bent down looking at some on the bottom row. I reached over him and grabbed one on the top shelf. It was a a lighter blue than his hair but thought it should work.

I patted the box on his head and put it in front of his field of vision. He turned and looked up at me, "Perfect, Rina." He grabbed the box, and stood up and snaked his arms around my back and lifted me off my feet. I giggled at this extremely public display, I loved every second of it. I kissed his cheek and he set me down.

I pulled a chair out from the table and patted it, "You are a really trusting guy, I've never done this before." Tae smiled, he was shirtless again, his mop of blue hair had faded considerably and he had about an inch of black grow out. I was able to get a really good look from this angle and honestly it looked really cool. "I kind of like you hair like this, are you sure you want me to mess it up?"

"I told you that I trust you, Rina. I usually get my hair redone every two weeks. This needs to be done."

"I feel like it would be easier for my skills to just dye the whole thing black, instead of trying to bleach it again. I mean I know I went to college and all but don't let that fool you. I hate reading the directions." I laughed as the last words came out.

"No," he said it cooly but I felt deeper emotion there. "I don't like my natural hair color."

I felt like I should move past the statement, but I had laid everything out on the line. I let Tae accept me for everything I was. I wanted the opportunity to do the same for him.

"Why?" I kept my answer simple, he could easily deflect if needed but I wanted the truth.

"You want to know?" He leaned his head back against the chair, and stared at me deep in my eyes.

"I want to know everything." I kissed his lips.

He looked forward and was silent for a few minutes, I slowly brushed his hair and began to foil his hair with the bleach solution. After a few minutes, I heard his breathing hitch.

"I too lost someone, very close to me. I had always hated him as much as I loved him. His death made those feelings intensify by 1000." He was silent, and I knew he was crying without having to look at his face.

I wanted to wipe his tears and make his pain go away. My heart clenched, and maybe this was how he felt when I told him about my mom.

"We have the same hair color. When my hair grows out, it's an everpresent reminder of him."

I put the last foil in his hair and put the plastic over. I took a quick glance at the clock and walked around to see his tear strewn face. I straddled his legs and put my thumbs on each cheek chasing away the tears.

I decided to speak, "Do you look the same?"

He nodded his head, "We look exactly the same, he was my twin."