Chapter 37

Feeling like shit is an understatement. I've heard from my patients that morning sickness is hereditary. I don't even have a Mom to ask if this was normal for her, and that thought throws me into a crying fit for twenty minutes. 

I am barely pregnant, like a little over 3 weeks based on my period. Today, Tori has already scheduled me with an 'acceptable', her words, OB/GYN. They won't see me for 4 weeks. I need to be 8 weeks and according to them, if I get worse, I need to go to the ER. 

Which is exactly what I am avoiding, as I don't have insurance. All the money I saved from taking care of Tae will be put towards his baby's medical expenses. Fuck. 

Tori got me these ginger candies and if I suck on one of those, I won't throw up. In between throwing up sessions she feeds me and gets me to drink. We haven't even talked about the elephants in the room because I've been so out of it. 

I can tell though, by all of the huffing and puffing, that 'that' conversation is about to start now. I watch as she puts a dish into the cupboard and then walks over to me, she sits down. 

"Rina, why don't you come live with me and Dad?" 

"What?" I almost spit and I can hear the bite in my retort. "Wait, why?" 

"I can take care of you, you won't have to pay rent. It might just be a better situation for now. I know we haven't talked about the baby yet, but we have to wait a few more weeks. At least someone can be home with you all the time."

Her lips turn upward, a wary peace offering and I sigh.

"Okay, I'll think about it" I don't want to argue. Thinking the conversation is over, I grab a pillow and place it on my belly as if this pillow will soothe the angry life inside. 

"Perfect, I knew you would come around. Okay next order of business, we need to get you health insurance. Your job doesn't offer it for per diem employees right? So, our options are to try government assistance or to buy it outright. I wonder if my Dad can add you to our plan? Is it too late to adopt a 26 year old?" She laughs, and I giggle alongside her.  

"I have always wanted to be your sister." I smile at her and grab her palm. "You are my sister, and thank you. For everything, for always being here. You are my sister no matter what the insurance companies say." 

She rubs the top of my hand and I notice a wry smirk appear on her lips. "Do you know what's better than a sister, Rina?" 

Before I can answer she continues. 

"A husband, let's get married. We can raise this baby together." I would think she is joking but her face is serious. 

"Or, we could be domestic partners. Then I can apply for the insurance at my job!" 

She's beaming now, like she just came up with the perfect idea. 

"Tori, I'm not marrying you." 

"What? Is it because of the baby? It's part of me too! You can't do this to me Rina!!" She whines, and we both erupt into laughter. 

Tori starts again, "Okay we will discuss that matter at another date, my final topic is about your actual baby daddy. What is this I hear about him being in a relationship?" 

"I'm not fully sure, I saw a video on it. It looked real. I didn't have time to investigate it fully before all this. Girlfriend or not, I can't ruin his career. I love him too much. He hasn't reached out to me since he left, and I know you can call me an idiot for believing he would. I foolishly fell in love. I'm so stupid." The waterworks start again. Fuck these pregnancy hormones.

"We don't know if everything is true. Don't work yourself up yet. I do see your point though. He is the innocent baby of the group, having a child and out of wedlock that would absolutely destroy his career. That's what he deserves though. He should be talking to you." She continues.

"We have cell phones, he doesn't have a good reason to be ghosting you. I'm on your side either way, let's wait until your appointment then we will discuss this again. Okay, next item of business." 

"Holy shit, Tori, this isn't a business meeting. What else could you want to talk about?" 

"Two more things: One, we need to get you to stop throwing up. You'll lose your job. I think it's called Zofran. Do you think you could ask a Doctor at your job for a prescription we can fill? Just make an excuse." 

I run over a list of Doctors I know who would do that for me, I have two in mind. An ER OBGYN she is very sweet and we are close, the second is Dr. Hart. I'll ask her this weekend. 

"Done, and next?" I look at Tori. Her eyes get serious, and her lips tense.

"Are you keeping this baby?