Chapter 44


My eyes are practically bulging out of my head, I thought my life was crazy enough. I was finally feeling peaceful and now Tori has dropped a huge bomb on that. I take in a deep crisp breath, "So you're telling me, the same night I met Tae, you threw up all over a guy in the waiting room. Who just so happens to be Kang from Woo5?!?!?" 

She nods her head, "Exactly, I knew you were a smart cookie." I furrow my brows, "I don't think that is how you use that expression." She shakes me off. "Anyways, I think we can go to Kang about this, he is an extremely trustworthy p…" I cut her off. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Kang is your boyfriend! Tae is my baby daddy, what the hell happened to us?" 

"Stay with me Rina, stop restating the known facts." I glare, "I'm processing too." 

"Facetime Kang with me tonight, we can explain the whole situation, he can help us brainstorm an idea. I have a feeling this is all one big misunderstanding." She pauses. 

"Kang said that Tae has been acting weird and asking for military leave already. Maybe, everything isn't what we seem. Think of your babies, give their father a chance." 

I look down at my stomach and a single tear falls onto my barely protruding belly. Tori pulls me in and it feels so good. "I am so fucking lucky to have you Tori. I don't know what I would do without you." She pats me on the back like how I imagine a mother would. "I know, I'm the best auntie in the world." 

We stay there for a few more seconds and she continues to speak, "Rinnie, don't give up just yet on love. I'll help you fight for it. If it doesn't happen I will personally execute retribution on TaeWoo Shin." I chuckle at her sincerity. 

"Tori, it's just a lot right now. You know about my Mom, how can I ever be a mother? How can I ever believe in love again?" 

She grabs me by the shoulders and looks at me, "You love me don't you? You are capable of love." She looks down at my stomach. "You'll love them too, I know it. You will be an amazing mother." 

We spend a few hours watching stupid reality TV, my nausea increasing after every episode completes. We are calling Kang tonight. I might see Tae again. I have so much to think about but before I can it's time to make the call. 

Kang is handsome, in a completely different way. He seems sure of himself, with dark features. He gives off more of the bad boy vibes but his eyes are kind. The way he introduced himself the way he speaks to Tori, it's incredibly kind and respectful, almost a little shy. 

I think he really likes Tori  especially with the way I see him looking at his phone. His face has been in awe since she started explaining everything for me. I added in tidbits here and there but for the most part after about 30 minutes he knew almost too much about me. 

"So that's everything Kang, I think this is why Tae is acting strange. What do you think we should do?" 

He pauses, I almost think the call dropped. His eyes dart to where I am through the screen. A large animated smile appears on his face. "You're telling me, I am going to be an Uncle?"