Chapter 45

"Yes, Kang. An uncle" I smile, but I feel a little bad about the lie. I'm keeping the twins a secret. It is still early to even be telling people I am pregnant. I could lose not only one baby but two. Tori respected my wishes and we told Kang that I am just pregnant. 

After her confirmation he immediately fires back, "We have to tell TaeWoo!" I shake my head. Tori opens her mouth, but he speaks again. "Why not?" I start, "I noticed he has a new girlfriend and he has his career. I will not ruin that for him. Tori talked me into even telling you just because you had told her he was acting strange. I just wanted to confirm if it was for me." 

"So basically," Tori starts, "We need you to figure out what is going on, be a spy for a few weeks. If we deem TaeWoo worthy of telling we will. If he is out playing around with other women then he doesn't deserve my Rinnie." 

He nods his head slightly, "TaeWoo hasn't been acting like himself since he returned from America. He has never had girlfriends or so many meetings with management. The whole military thing is weird too." 

Tori questions, "Yeah explain the military thing." 

"He wants the group to go on military leave. It doesn't make sense though because he already did his military leave." I watch as something extremely important dawns on him. 

"He wants us all to leave so he has time for himself. Time to sort things out. He must want to go back to America but can't find an excuse because we don't have any world tours planned. That's it! He wants freedom." 

"That doesn't make sense though, he doesn't even know I am pregnant." Tori slightly nudges me. 

"Obviously he is in love with you, he didn't like the way things were left." I shake my head.

"So what does management think of the military plan? Are you going?" 

"They weren't totally against it, I have two more years and we are at the height of our career. It's a toss up, will people patiently anticipate our return or will we be forgotten? If what I'm thinking is correct. I might actually have to go on military leave sooner, for my niece or nephew." He smiles at Tori. She giggles, "I don't want you to go." She whines like a baby. 

I stand up, "And that's my cue. I am sleepy, you guys can talk. For now, just be our ears Kang I would appreciate that. Please keep my secret." 

"Of course, Rina." 

I toss and turn all night. What is the right way to go about this situation? Should I just come clean to Tae? I shouldn't hide his children from him. Right? I thought of that same question for weeks.

Kang hasn't had any leads. Tae won't even open up to him about his time in America. He tried prodding him for answers but nothing. They actually began separating everyone. They all now live in separate apartments and only see each other for practice and official Woo5 business. The meetings continued in private and discussions started on military leave. 

I am now 6 months pregnant and I still haven't heard a word from Tae. If i wasn't hearing all of this from Kang I wouldn't believe it. Online they are better than ever. Amazing performances, new music, and incredible team chemistry. Kang has been waiting for my okay to tell Tae. His relationship is still strong online and he is doing better than ever in his career. 

I can't ruin him. I just can't.