The Important Thing Part VI

“Lightning Memory!” The system announced the move that the dragon used after appearing.

“3,875!” “3,849!” “3,834!”

“3,813!” “3,863!” “3,817!”

“3,878!” “3,858!” “3,890!”

“Take this too!” With the shout, he immediately fired his arrows at the one spitting acid.

“4,781!” “4,790!” “4,745!”

“4,773!” “4,718!” “4,764!”

The first drake dissipated after the last damage that popped up. It was at the same time that the Wind Dragon, which Tan had summoned, disintegrated into spheres of light. After receiving attacks from both higher-level drakes, the dragon could not sustain the damage. One Silver Wing dragon card was sent to the Graveyard. The summoned Lightning Dragon could match up against the two drakes of level 82.

“Magic!” Lin activated a Magic Card. The card was called ‘Brave’, a spell that increased the target's Attack. Naturally, the target of the spell was Tan.