The Important Thing Part VII

“Edward! Lin!” Tan raced the Eizenger dragon back toward his friends. In his heart, he prayed that he would make it on time...but in reality, this was unlikely. Both the distance and the speed of flight made it impossible as Elder Drake’s speed was not that different from that of the Dragon Race. It was therefore difficult for the Dimensional Dragon Eizenger to catch up.

As he thought, it was likely to be the case. It was indeed too late to help his friends as the three Elder Drake's claws were swiftly darting toward Lin and Edward... The three monsters would have killed them if they were attacked.

“Incinerate Radiation!”

A voice rang out as multiple fire bolts emerged and shot through the air. Brilliant red flames charged toward the three drakes, causing severe damage as soon as the flame devoured the targets. The force of the spell was enough to cause three Elder Drakes to disintegrate into specks of light at once.

“24,578!” “25,014!” “24,781!” “24,850!”