Divine Ballad Tunnel Part III

“What…?” Tan exclaimed. “You didn’t need our help?”

“No… I can handle these things just fine on my own,” Mira replied firmly.

“How nice, I was invited to be a jester,” Tan murmured.

Blanche laughed out loud when he saw Tan’s reaction. “That’s an insult to our guild’s leader,” he said while patting Tan’s shoulder.

“Hmm…?! You’re a guild leader too?” Mira raised her eyebrows.

“A small one. We have only seven members…or should I say six? I’m not sure if Aya and Taka are considered one person,” Tan replied while making a pondering face.

“This reminds me of when I started a guild with my friends. We had less than ten members too. It was a good time,” Mira said with a smile. It seemed like she was reminiscing about the past.

“You’re a guild leader?” Tan asked and stared at Mira while waiting for her answer.