Divine Ballad Tunnel Part IV


Double Wings (14 stars ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰)


Type: Magic


This spell creates two white wings on the user’s back.

- Upon the first activation, attacks when the player is in mid-air deal 30% more damage. The player can move freely in the air.

- Upon activating the card of the same name for the second time, aerial attacks become ‘double attack’, causing the player to automatically attack twice.

- Upon activating the card of the same name for the third time, attack damage increases by 100% while aerial attacks become ‘triple attack’.

- Can only be used by Winged Knight.

- When this card goes to the graveyard, shuffle it back into the deck. After it is done twice, it will remain in the graveyard.


Two white wings appeared on Mira’s back. After that, she activated another offensive skill.