Meeting God

Looks like the afterlife does exist, lol, and here I was thinking I would just be dead after dying laughs Elijah in his soul form, hahahaha, and a sound of laughter came from behind him oing what Elijah turn to see a old man laughing listening to his words.. Who are you, old man? I ask a bit embarrassed. Well, you can call me God if it helps, and by the way, you are first human that I have ever met who is joking about his own death instead of crying and bitching replied God what's the point I countered I am dead already lol so I don't see any point being sad about it I casually replied God. umm, I can see your point that makes a lot of sense, little one. By the way, God, I don't wanna be disrespectful or anything, but I don't think that the ruler of the universe should be so free or bored that he has time to come and chat with someone like me I asked him. Ahh, well, the thing is all the good work that you did over the years has filled your soul with a lot of good karma, and hence, you deserve this chat, my boy replied God happily so tell me what is that you desire human? asks God with a mischievous smile. Are you serious, old man? I ask him to confirm my doubts. Yes, God replied after a moment of thinking I asked can be reincarnated in a world of my choice with wishes? I asked him politely. I don't see a problem in that he casually replied. booyeah mother fucker! I shouted with happiness. okay boss gimme a second to make my list I said happily. Take your time mortal, he replied with some interest. After thinking for 5 minutes I wrote down my wishes as follows:

1. To be reborn in Game of Thrones universe.

2. To have infinite magic and all the magical knowledge from the Harry Potter universe.

3. To be a blood of old valariya so that I can tame and bond with dragons.

4. To have a system that allows me to summon all in-game characters, espers equipment, and resources that I that I have in my Final fantasy war of the visions game account.

umm, sounds good. God replied with an amouse look on his face, though I wanna clarify your 4th wish basically means that you want a system that would allow you to access everything from your game, am I correct? Yes, I replied OK I will even include a special gift now. Goodbye Elijah, see you in a hundred or so years, God said, and then everything went blank..