Astapor and the spending spree.

Severus POV :

We left for Astapor the same evening standing on the deck as the wind is gently brushing through my hair. I can not help but think that my new life in this world is rather interesting. I never thought about all this in my previous life as I never really had the time, plus even I have to agree that my life kinda sucked and it was too much of a cringy tragedy first there was my entire family situation that I had to deal with that was followed by my quest for unrequited love with my best friend Lilly and then it was being used by both Doumbledore and Voldemort alike for their grand schemes but when I look back I got to agree to atleast one thing for all his dementia and psychotic and genocidal tendencies Voldemort at the very least had the balls to be honest about it like true he never really gave a flying fuck for anybody 's opinion or anything but atleast he was evil and he was not ashamed to admit it Dumbledore was a sick manipulative bastard of another dimension all together and he had the balls to justify everything that he did saying that it was for the greater good he was no different from the dark lord fuck that even the dark lord was honest that old fucker had not a single cell of honesty in his entire body.

You are brooding again, Severus said Cissa as I watched her come next to me, was I that obvious I replied back to which she just gave a warm smile. Cissa had always been my closest friend other than Lilly all throughout my life and one of the only people who never tried to either use me or manipulate me for doing their bidding, I was strangely thankful that I have again in this new life as well.

"This ship is really slow" Cissa huffed from my side and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

" We are traveling by a ship". Cissa and I perfectly know that you haven't traveled in them much before. It is already sailing much faster than any normal ships of this Era and we should be arriving in Astapor by tomorrow or the day after I told her trying to ease her impatience.

" oh I didn't knew that but then again I have traveled all around my life with apparition and portkeys," Cissa said with a sigh.

"That's the problem with nearly 99% of the magical world. I am glad that I died long before the war between the muggels and the wizards, knowing my luck destiny would have found very hilarious ways to fuck me over if I had lived" I joked looking at My dear friend.

" hahahah" she began laughing her ass off can not really argue with you there, Severus she joked back.

" But I never thought that a war would again break out that also within years of the last one" I said to Severus with a sad tone in my voice.

" Imagine Cissa that you had no magic , and then there were people opposite of you who can even change the fucking reality with a wave of their wands and can control the will of a person or even kill them with just a single spell would you have ever trusted them fully? There would always haven been suspicion and resentment in many cases and such things over time could only lead towards war and nothing else". I answered her honestly and after a few moments looked at the stars in the night sky.

" If you put it like that , you do make a lot of sense". Narcissa said in agreement. If one looked closely, it indeed was too much of a factor to simply accept. The muggles would always be suspicious, and their relationship was bound to end in conflict no matter what the either side did this was just a fact and nothing could ever change that.

" Yes but what happened could never be changed now, " Severus said looking at the night sky simply forgetting about the problems and the stress which he now faced. He always loved astronomy classes back in his Hogwarts years it felt awesome to learn more about the stars and how their alignments affected magic. Though the classes never covered much of it , it wasn't until he dabbled in the dark arts that he discovered its effects on ritualistic magic did he ever understood it fully.

" Yes but the memories never leave, don't you think so" Cissa asked with a bitter smile.

" They don't " Severus admitted slowly. He personally knew too well how long it took to finally get over Lilly.

"How many Unsullied should we buy? " Narcissa asked thinking over Elijah's plan on which everyone agreed on. The Unsullied would rather make good soldiers and henchmen for them loyal and unyielding to death. She already had a plan in her mind to cement their loyalty even more.

"They normally sell the Unsullied in the groups of one hundred or one thousand and since we are going to be building a new empire from the scratch I think around forty thousand should be enough ". Severus casually replied back and plus we would require a number of slaves for other purposes but I think it should be in this order:

1. The unsullied = 40,000

2. lys slaves = 200

3. construction slaves = 2000

4. builder slaves = 3000

5. Scribes and other

miscellaneous slaves = 5000

6. Miners = 4000

7. Ship builders =3000

8. Ships = 500 ships to carry everyone.

" And here they always blamed the women for going overboard with shopping lol" Narcissa joked causing Severus to laugh out .

The next day

Narcissa looked at the port city which finally came into view. There was an old crumbling statue atop the Harbour gate. She could see lines of ships present there, and she suddenly remembered the massive Armada of ships that they would need to buy to transport everyone though she had no worries as the budget that Elijah had given them was enough to buy Astapor over three times with the slave masters themselves included causing her to let out a giggle.

" There is an old saying ' Bricks and blood built Astapor ," Severus said looking up at the port which was coming closer.

" You are flaunting now in my face, are you Severus?" Cissa asked with an ammused tone.

"Couldn't help it" he quipped back slowly with a small drawl earning a whack on the shoulder from her.

" Be ready to play your Part Severus " Narcissa whispered to him slowly as she walked back to her cabin in the ship.

Severus became confused until it dawned to him that she told him to be ready to keep up appearances.

She gently took a scarf from her luggage and covered her face, it will not do well to simply the men here kill Severus only to take her as their wife for her being a Valyrian now. She hardly wanted to be another married broodmare now when she could rule the masses as her wish.

"Pull yourself up" she heard Severus shout as they prepared for their destination.

One hour later...

Severus was looking at his war ship which was perfectly anchored with the help of few slaves working there. They were apparently used by the port manager present there to help the men in docking.

"Thank you for your help dear friend, and can you please tell me where can I buy slaves like them" he asked calmly with a smile as he looked at the man with a broad nose, amber skin and dark red hair.

" They could be found in the plaza of pride, may l learn who are you my good friend " the man replied back in high Valyrian. Severus knew that the man was curious since he had Valyrian looks and since his blood was more pureer his beauty was even more refined.

" Severus of House Dragoneel " he replied back shortly.

The man nodded and they simply walked to man who was wearing his hair in the shape of a horn.

" Ramadan will show you the slaves " the man spoke up showing a young man of twenty four infront of them.

"Of course but I wanted some now as my crew can't really leave my ship and I need men to carry the money to buy Unsullied and other slaves" Severus said slowly throwing the bait.

Both of their eyes widened instantly at the proclaimation and Cissa being cissa didn't show them any reaction as if Severus was stating a normal fact.

If he told them that he wanted to buy Unsullied then they will have to take him seriously.

" I shall bring you hundred slaves to help you in your endeavor my dear friend" Ramadan spoke up. His own father Rahim was a slaver dealing with the unsullied so he had to tread carefully and not risk offending them in anyway and besides the unsullied were a freaking gold mine.

" It will be worthwhile then Ramadan and please bring them along with their families and I will pay you triple the amount for it" Severus said instantly making his voice eager to make them believe.

" See to it , till then I was hoping to have a talk with the port incharge for the ships that I would need to buy for transferring the thousands of unsullied " he continued as the port incharge Rehan the elder brother of Ramadan coughed slightly in surprise at the demand. Yes today was a good day for them, the Gods of old Ghiscar must be smiling on them, an extremely rich customer to buy the unsullied in the thousands along with ships and other slaves Yes it was a good day for them.

Ramadan nodded as he went to procure some slaves to help the young rich Valyrian infront of him.