The house of Black and White and an unexpected addition to the team..

The next day, everyone left for visiting the house of Black and White and hopefully try to form an alliance with them.There was an unspoken dense pressure on the minds of everyone present there, well everyone except for Bellegere as she had grown accustomed in dealing with them over the years. But the same could not be said about the others, as in all honesty, the mysterious abilities and the stories of their deeds scared Cedric and the others well who could hardly blame them, but that was just what it meant to be a follower of the Many Faced GOD. As they reached the house of Black and White they observed that a continent of priests and assasins were already waiting for their arrival and then a person who looked like the high priest welcomed them with a warm smile. " Greetings, friends and dragons from the distant lands our God has been awaiting your arrival " said the high priest with a warm smile. Everyone was shocked and just stood there in silence and then finally Ayaka was the one to speak up " Greetings high priest of the many faced God we humbled by the warmth of Greetings but we do not know how to address you lord High priest." She curtly said

"This man is just known as the high priest , the followers of our lord do not have a name other than the one given to us by our lord , High priestess of the dragon God Dragoneel Lady Ayaka , the precious comrade and sister to the true dragon The dragon King Elijah Dragoneel " The high priest replied with a warm smile. "Seems like the many faced God was truly awaiting our arrival," Medina spoke up finally. "Yes, we have been awaiting your arrival for some days now Lady Medina the Frost sorceress and Aunt to Elijah Dragoneel. " Replied the High priest and then he added " Rest assured Lord Cedric and Lady Fluer no harm will ever come to you from the followers of the many faced God as the Dragon Gods and the many faced God have been friends for thousands of years." said the high priest to Cedric and Fluer, who were so scared right now that they might have a heart attack. " um thanks I guess, so let's go and meet the many faced God then no point in waiting here, " replied Cedric, trying to control his shivering.

" This way, please, " said the high priest as he lead them to the innermost chamber, having the thirty-one statues of the many faced God."

As everyone entered the sanctum all the thirty-one statues lit up, and a divine voice was heard, " Welcome children of Dragoneel you have thirty years of time to revive the magic of our world , deal with the heathens knows as faith of the seven and to fight and eliminate the great other a tall and difficult task indeed but res assured children for I am bestowing on you 3 boons:

1. The house of Black and White will never accept your names or those of your decendants as offering.

2. All possible transactions with us will be done with a discount.

3. Last but not least, my Champion, Jaqen H'ghar, will become your comrade from this moment on and will aid you in all your endeavors, " Declared the Devine voice of the Many Faced God and then the light vanished and there stood infront of every one the Champion of the many faced God Jaqen H'ghar.