Krystal and Ayaka's grand miracle.

When Cedric and his team, along with Silvestre, reached Dragon's Roar, they also had a party ready to welcome them and escort them to castle where everyone was waiting for them.

Silvestre POV:

It has been more than fifteen years that I have been working for the Iron Bank and had seen and experienced everything that this world had to offer . Well, that was what I used to believe before meeting Cedric and Fluer . We had guessed that they were blood of old Valyria, and that's why the bank decided that I should personally handle their accounts, and this seeming young man has been surprising me eversince. I used to think that the magisters of the free cities or the lannisters were rich, but after meeting him, they feel like

road side beggers like who could have immagine opening two accounts five hundred million in gold each and paying a billion gold upfront like its pocket change never in my life had I thought I would see that day but then it happened and since that day forward I have been accompanying them as their advisor and as a representative from the bank and it's safe to say this was the best decision of my life.

Elijah POV:

"Looks like everyone is here and welcome to the team, Lord Silvestre and lord Jaqen H'ghar " I politely welcome our two newest allies on this world.

" The man is no lord , the man is just a servant of the great many faced God, and its his wish that the man helps and follows you, Lord Dragoneel," Jaqen replied after getting on one knee. "Arise, Jaqen, you don't need to ever kneel in front of me or call me lord from this day forward till the end of time you are and always be my trusted friend and advisor and friends don't need such formalities between them" I said with a Smile.

" You honor me, Elijah, the man gladly accepts your friendship," Jaqen replied.

Then I turn to Silvestre and welcome him as well.

"Silvestre, I have been curious how much does the glass items from myr usually sell for?" I asked him.

"Depends on the quality of workmanship and other stuff, but they usually sell at a bare minimum of a thousand gold coins per artifact " Silvestre replied.

"Intresting, can you please appraise these items flat my artisans have made" I ask him while signaling the servants to bring the sample pieces, and after inspecting their quality thoroughly Silvestre said they should be worth no less than fifteen hundred gold coins each these are quite frankly the best glass work that I have ever seen in my life replied an impressed Silvestre. "Awesome, then I will have the first shipment ready for you guys to sell in a moon 's time but sell them at seventy percent of the price of their myr counter parts our goal is not the initial profit but to break their monopoly and establish our selves" I said to Silvestre.

"That's an impressive plan, Elijah," Silvestre replied .

"Englebert and Lilith, you two will be responsible for the safe delivery of our finished product am I clear" I asked both of them. " It will be done Elijah " they replied.

"Silvestre, one more thing or glass products would be sold under the brand name Krystal and Cedric will be incharge for Dracarys moving forward and secondly please write to the bank telling them to recruit a staff of two hundred people for us comprising of fifty accountants and one hundred and fifty sellers and peddlers." I informed Silvestre.

"Understood and it will be done Elijah " Silvestre replied