The Dragon and Wolf Part 3

Elijah POV:

The binding ritual went through without any complications. Though there were some visual changes that could be seen on Jaqen, though those changes made him increasingly more good-looking, he got taller for one, his hair turned completely silver, and his body became much more well defined. If it weren't for his grey cold eyes, you could never recognize the man. But the most important change that happened was he developed a magical core inside of his body, and now his body was naturally circulating mana, which did not happen before . Even Stem and Bark were impressed by how efficiently the entire process went which could be considered as an achievement as it is not every day that the children of the forest have something good to say about a human.

Everyone was surprised when they saw us arrive in the council hall. Granted, the sight of children of the forests was something that peaked at anyone 's curiosity.

"Everyone say hi to Stem and Bark, they will be our companions moving forward," I said, introducing them to everyone.

Myr POV:

"What is the current situation? has everything that we tried to deal with Dracarys working?" Mazeban, the grand Maester of myr asked his subordinate.

" The great one we are losing business by the hour, right now our sales have dropped by nearly Forty percent and that is just for the glass business we have completely lost the market when it came to the alcohol products none of our products can compete with Doumbledore it just doesn't make sense how can they afford to sell such high quality products at such low prices it just doesn't make any sense sire" replied Xander.

" And hiring pirates didn't help much either right now their patrol ships have already captured more than thousand pirates whom we had sent to Harras their vessels and now the pirate King is demanding compensation for all his losses. " Xander further added.

" What about lys and slave masters surely they would help us?" Mazeban asked.

" Why would they sire? they have been buying slaves by the thousands, they have successfully bought nearly all the unsullied that were present in esos Dracarys is their most valued customer as far as the slave masters are concerned. They have bought nearly around one hundred and ninety thousand slaves and one hundred thousand out of which are unsullied. Right now it's hard to determine whether they are running a company or preparing for war sire" Xander replied.

" So what are we supposed to do now?" Mazeban asked.

" Honestly, sire, we should prepare for war" Xander replied with a dead serious expression.

Company of the Rose POV:

" How long till we reach Dragon's Roar," Asked Ragnar Stark the new head of the company of the rose.

"Lord we should be arriving tomorrow " replied Zake.

" Looks like I still need to wait another day to finally meet the champion of the dragons" Ragnar thought with a wild smile on his face.

"The Dragon and The Wolf, a new song of Fire and Ice . This is going to be fun " Ragnar thought to himself.