Negotiations part 3

"That's a huge claim my lady,I hope that you are not lieing to me."Rickard warned Narcissa .

Lieing would not be a good way to start our relationship so I would be checking into your claims hope that that you won't mind. Rickard said while trying to maintain his cool.

Today was just too outrageous for his liking. That being said, the prospect of having a dragon lord family allied with the north was too much too either overlook or ignore, so he decided to trust the people infront of him.

" But weren't his grace's family along with valaryons and the celtigars are only know surrvivors of the doom". Said maester Walys.

The possibility of the survival of another family of dragon lords would shake the entire relam.

" The Targaryens are heavily mistaken and word of advise my lord you compared Dragoneel and Belarion to the others because you don't know of our status amongst the dragon lords but under no and absolutely under any circumstances don't even think of saying this infront of either Elijah or Sirius cause they would get pissed off and would rain dragon fire on everyone for this offense . Targaryens may claim valrian heritage but we are the ones with dragons. And both of our brothers won't tolerate anyone being disrespectful to family. Comparing Dragoneel or Belarion to others like Targaryens is like comparing a majestic direwolf to a road side mut! It's an absolute blasphemy and punishable by dragon fire." Warned Narcissa seriously.

"Draaaaaaaaaaaaaagooooooñnnnnnnsss!!! Did you just imply that you still have your dragons ???" Rickard finally lost his cool.

" Well duh obviously, how did you think we arrived her from Dragon's Roar? The soldiers and the others came via the ship.

Me and Narcissa flew over here on our Dragons." Replied Severus.

"Do you wanna see them my lord?" Narcissa asked with a smirk.

"Can we?" Asked Maester Walys doubtfully.

" Yes show them , that would be the fastest way to verify your outrageous claims" said Rickard after some thinking.

" Sure why not" Severus replied as if calling forth dragons is as easy as calling your servant.

"So should we take it to the courtyard unless you guys want to remodel your castle without a roof that is" Narcissa smirked at them.

Sure let's take this to the courtyard Rickard said leading the way.

Once they reached the courtyard both Narcissa and Severus just waked into the middle of the courtyard took what looked like two long branches of weirwood tree pointed out to sky and shouted simultaneously,

" To me Belarion!!!"

" To me Winter!!"

And two shots of energy which looked like lightning shot out from their weirwood branches upto to the sky.

The entire Sky darkened all of a sudden....

And after what seemed like an eternity of omnius waiting it was finally heard....

Something which everyone thought would never ever hear again.

After a hundred years the Roar that was once lost to the sands of time again was heard.


And finally they were seen up in the skies. Two bahamuts as their massive shadows covered the entirety of Winterfell castle.

Dragons once again came back to westeros.