The fall of Myr part 2.

Mazeban POV:

The operation was a success that's what Xander informed me two days ago.

Normally we should be happy finally we were able to cause some damage to our enemies.

Two thousand Drowned at the bottom of the ocean.

Twenty ships completely anahilated.

Under normal circumstances this would be a situation to party and celebrate on the misfortunes of our enemies.

But the truth of the matter is that our enemies are anything but normal.

The term Dracarys is something that has always strikes terror at the hearts of everyone on our world.

And who could not but feel terrified of huge fire breathing dragons out to roast you alive.

They say it has been a century since the last dragon was seen.

But I still can't shake off this terror that is gripping my heart.

Ever since the operation I am having nightmares of dragons burning down and roasting harpies alive.

The screams and the terror that I have experienced in my nightmares feel too real to be true.

What's done is done .

All that I can hope for now that it is just a normal war that we fight against Dracarys or the kingdom of Valhalla as they call themselves.

Yet their sigil for some reason terrifies me.

One more thing that I have noticed since the attack, our gods don't reply to our priests anymore.

Harpies are said to be strong and reslilent they are said to be ones who used to rule the skies.

That was until they crossed the dragon lords or old Valyria.

The dragons rained dragon breath on the ancient kingdom of Myr like hell fire and burned everything to ashes.

Dragons were the reason for the fall of the mighty kingdom of Myr in the past.

I just pray that what we have done doesn't cause Myr to fall once again.

I don't wanna see history repeating itself.

As now it won't just be me reading about it in old records of the libraries but it would be me and everyone that I love burning in hell fire and experience things first hand.

I have already ordered Xander to turn Myr into a fortress. Land air and the see everything is under lock down and constant vigilance by our forces and still I don't feel any safer.

Even with a hundred thousand troops guarding us and our families why is it that all of us are terrified.

Is this a sign from the Gods about the things to come??

Will Myr once again burn to ashes under Dragon fire.

And Did we in our blind greed for gold started a war with not just an emerging KINGDOM BUT WITH VICIOUS AND VINDICTIVE DRAGON LORDS AND THEIR DRAGONS?? Now only time will tell.

But for better or worse, This war will go down in history.

I just pray that Myr doesn't became a doormat at the annals of history.