Chaos at the small council part 1

Tywin Lanister Pov:

Aries is becoming insufferable day by day.

It's hard for me to understand how can the same kid along whom I had grown up, my closest and only friend turn out like this?

My friend and I we wanted to change the relam the for the better. We wanted to do something for the small folk. We wanted to crush these parasites who had been sucking the life blood out of the kingdom and it's people. But I guess fate had other plans. I can't really blame him the guy, to be honest, if I had lost so many of my children at the birthing bed even I would go mad. At the very least, Aries still had some sense when it comes to ruling, and the balance books Clearly show that, even with all his struggles with madness he still has managed to fill the coffers and keep the kingdom from falling into debt. I dont know what the future holds but it pains me to see my friend suffering like this. Still whatever may be , I will try as much as possible to make sure that these leeches are kept under check . Me and Aries can have our differences but I will be damned if I let these leeches take advantage of that and cause harm to relam.

As things stand I guess it would be upto our children to safe guard the relam after we bit the dust. Rhaegar and Jamie might as well be the hope for the future our relam.

Rhaghar reminds me so much on how Aries used to be back then, deadly with a sword , honorable , a tactician, a politician and most of all a loyal and true friend to those who were his friends.

I hope that that the crown prince can avoid falling into the Targaryen curse of madness like his father, otherwise we all are fucked.

These leeches have been slowly and steadily gaining power and have encircled us. And that bloody cunt Jhon Aryn has been manipulating them so that he can get his drunk disciple Robert Baratheon at the throne. Does he really think that we can't see through all his plots and manipulation.

Does that bastard really think that it is that easy to turn Aries and me against each other and kill each other while he just waits things out and then gives the Iron throne to that drunk whore monger Robert Baratheon.

Not while I am still alive.

I would rather have the relam burn to the ground in flames rather than see that filth known as Robert Baratheon at the throne.