Chaos at the small council part 2

Tywin Pov:

Reahgar and Jamie are the only hope of for this relam. I don't want to see these leeches bleed our kingdom anymore.

Once chance , that's all I need ! Eventually one of these imbeciles is bound to fuck up somewhere and once that happens I will get my vengeance.

A Lanister always repays his debts. It's about time that these leeches come to realize that it's not the mad dragon that they should be worried about but rather it's me.

For all his talent with the blade my heir is an idiot when it comes to politics that's a shame I guess, but that is also why he and Raeghar get along so well.

They remind me of how me and Aries were back in the day.

Though sometimes I do feel that it would be much easier to just assassinate all these leeches but then again that might endanger me, so I guess I will have to wait and stalk my prey just like a lion does in the jungle. Wait for the perfect time and when the opportunity presents itself then go for the kill.

That bloody leech John Aryn is the ring leader of all of this.

Though I don't get what is going through his mind when he is targeting us using others and especially trying to ignite a rebellion in duskendale as well targeting the north using his proxy pirates in step stones.

And he has the gall the claim that the Starks are his friends. What w bloody hypocrite! And the Starks are so dumb that they don't even realize that it is their so called friend who has been attacking their ships using proxies . As high as honor my ass! There is not an inch of honor in that bastard John Aryn!

Then there is Varys the spider, honestly he is more dangerous than all these leeches combined cause I can't really understand his motives and it is really hard to both understand and manipulate that bloody eunuch!

God knows if it weren't for my friendship with Aries and the fact that Jamie is an idiot I would have already retired from the position of the hand of the king !

Honestly I am getting too old for this shit!