dance of the dragons 3

Elijah POV:

Arrax might make casual jokes on how I am getting closer to the relam of a God and stuff but I was more interested in the companion that he had brought along side with him .

I never expected that there would be dragons who can match mine in size especially since mine were summoned from an alternate world all together. But there was right In front of me Cannible who matched Dragoneel in size a feat which I never thought was possible.

But then again he is Arrax 's first born.

Even the fact that he could seemingly converse with me piqued my interest.

But I thought to let it slide for now.

Most of the preparations for the war was reaching its completion all that was needed was for me to fill up my magic reserves once that happens we could depart for our respective battlefields.

Cannible seemed to be evaluating everything around him as well.

For a dragon who was renowned for killing others dragons and being a force of nature in terms of destruction that he brought , the dragon in front of me was rather a very intelligent being. Who seemed to have an habbit of analyzing everything.

As both me and Cannible were having our internal monologue s Edward and Bradley came to inform me that the modifications to the Armada were complete and the ships were ready to depart anytime.

" Halena I want you to go with the others to king's landing and make sure that we don't get cheated in the negotiations " I ordered her.

"Ayaka and Sadali you are permitted to use full force of your healing magic if and when the situation demands it." I instructed them.

" Ragnar take the company of the Rose and how many ships you want and start barricading the waters around myr, keep the engagements fast and try to tire out their resources , take the unsullied with you as well so that you have enough men to help you with the task and if you want you can take the Wyverns also." I told Ragnar.

" Sirius and Severus you are free to use the order of the Phoenix In any capacity that you deemed necessary I dont care either for the collateral damage or what others would think of us, I want the Vale pay the price for instigating and plotting against us with Fire and Blood"

" Jayden you are incharge of the defenses of Dragon's Roar while all of us are not here "

" Lilith and Sterne you guys will come along with me and the company of the Rose as well attack Myr"

"Same goes for you too Jaqen, I want you to have all the leaders of their troops assassinated once the battle begins"