dance of the dragons 4

Layanna Stark POV:

I was surprised when I got to know that I would be joining lady Lilith and her division during the war with Myr.

" The BLAZE of the BATTLEFIELD " That's what everyone called her .

She was an enigma to be honest.

I have never seen her wearing anything even close to resembling a dress. She either was always with full equipment or the few times that she wasn't she used wear a peculiar style of dressing which I later came to know was known as crop tops and denim shorts.

But overall she commanded the absolute respect from her troops and it was evident in the way everyone treated her.

She was the personification of the legend of the Valkyri that we northerners used to tell our children.

Lilith 's POV

Our orders were plain and simple, to starve them out by blocking all forms of trade.

Sounds a bit harsh and I humane but practical and effective.

We were at war, so why should we show them any liliency?

Our Armada had the entire coast encircled and we had started sinking any trade ship that was going towards Myr. Initially their navy tried to chase us away, a lot good that it did for them cause we sank every ship that came for us.

But everytime we stopped from completely entering their waters and thus preventing a full on confrontation.

It is not like we were afraid or anything, it's just that we were waiting for Elijah to recover and to join us in battle.

Though I was curious as to which dragon would he be riding?

Was it going to be Dragoneel as usual or would it be new massive being that had decended on that day the one ever local over here used to call cannible.

But these things were not much in my control so I just gave up thinking about it.

Right now the main goal was for our troops to gain experience.

The company of the Rose were fabulous in battle but they were not really our troops.

Our troops consisted mainly of the people whom we had liberated from slavery and trained from the ground up. And this war was going to teach them and give them the valuable experience of war that these newbies desperately needed.