The Plan

"So, what do you plan to do now? Jane Summerfield is the girl you designated as your 'final girl', though what you just did seems a bit unusual" asked Samara, still into her role.

"Indeed, you see, I left her with a piece of paper, basically, instead of having her and her group of friends go by themselves to one of the abandoned houses I prepared here, for a party or whatever, I will force her, to lure them here herself to get her mother back" he explained all smiling.

Samara had no words to follow on what he had just said, simply leaving him to explain further.

"The idea is to spark her animosity toward me, as the final girl, she needs to fight back with extraordinary strength, she really needs to want to kill me, by making her feel guilty after I killed all of her friends and having her help me with that, she will at least believe to get her mother back but as it turns out, I won't keep my word and BAM! Final chase" he hit the steering wheel as they finally arrived back to the ghost town.

"What will you do if she doesn't follow your plan?" questioned Samara, it was the main pillar of it all after all.

"Simple, if I see that she doesn't get to it, I'll start murdering more people, she'll understand that I am capable of butchering her dear mom that way" he answered as he stepped out of the pick-up, picking up the still knocked out woman and taking her to his cave.

Setting her in a seat in the back of the cave, Samara was about to ask him what he would do with her until Jane followed his orders but had her question answered beforehand.

Grabbing a scythe head, he pushed her forehead back, revealing her throat and with a quich slash, almost decapitated her.

"I don't take hostages, at least for now" he said, throwing a blanket over the corpse before sitting down and grabbing one of the phones.

"Let's give calls to Jane's friends, those guys won't believe in anything I say but they will surely talk about it and Jane will know that I know who they are, she won't try to send strangers to the chopping block that way" the phone rung a few times and a groggy voice answered, it was still night after all.


After waking up with the masked man's revendications stapled to her chest, Jane had been lost, wanting to call the police but fearing the repercussions it would have, she instead followed what was asked of her and called her friends.

Ignoring whatever they had to say, she put up a facade and invited them to a party, telling them that she had managed to find an open house in the ghost town.

Many party goers had thought of it before but the houses were always, locked up sturdily and whenever they did find a way inside one, the police would be called almost instantaneously to get them out of there.

The place was government property and was supposed to be renovated but as one could expect, nothing was coming out of that, the few attempts made had all ended in failures due to accidents and sabotaging.

Most thought they were just that, accidents and such but now, Jane was giving into the idea that The Ghost was a real force, for this was the name the elusive man was written at the bottom of his letter.

She attempted to get them to come the next day or the day after that, saturday and sunday were the only day she could settle for quickly but they were all busy with something, however, her friends found the offer tempting and she managed to get them to get there the next friday, right after the end of classes and the beginning of the two week vacation for all students.

The Ghost hadn't given her a precise date, but she didn't think it was wise to make him wait, the rest of the weekend was spent with little sleep for her, expecting to see him at any point of the day or night.

The regular house noises had regained the terror they used to inspire her when she was little, she felt watched and could have sworn she saw a shape from the corner of her eyes a few times.

The week of school felt hollow, she felt like her stomach had been tied into knots thousands time over, she had casually settled a spot for her friends to the slaughter, she could barely look them in the eye.

It also didn't help that she confirmed that The Ghost was around, she saw him on the top of roofs, in the hallways of the school, outside the window when in class, he was watching her, always seeming like a statue, part of the environment before disappearing at the slighest opportunity, as if he had never been there to begin with.

Only she would ever notice him when he appeared, during the week, the number of break-ins and threatening phone calls also increased, she considered phoning the police and telling them that the party would take place but before she could debate over the idea, The Ghost appeared in the distance, waving his index finger from side to side.

Haunted by this figure for the whole week, friday both came at tremendous speed and at a staggering slowness, Jane felt lost in time.

Arriving in the ghost town in one of her friends car, she anxiously looked around, secretly hoping that The Ghost was nothing more than an extreme prankster but for once, he was nowhere to be seen, the town was living up to its namesake, truly empty.

Jane looked around, spotting a big house, whose door was left open, as if inviting them inside.

Walking in front of it as her friends joked around, taking out whatever they had brought along for the 'party', she saw a shape move in the window at the very top of the house, it was definitely the right place.